Michael’s Secret to Earning $140K a Month

Michael's Secret to Earning $140K per Month

Various online sources say that the average annual profits for marketing agencies is around $150,000.  If you’ve been in the digital marketing space for enough time now, you understand perfectly well the challenges of reaching even half of this profit amount.  So what’s Michael Shreiber’s secret to earning no less than $140,000 a MONTH in […]

Fostering Open Communication with Your OFS

Fostering Open Communication with Your OFS

How important is communication in a remote team? The answer is simple: It builds trust. Filipinos are highly efficient and often require minimal supervision. However, they do still need some feedback for their tasks, especially the more challenging ones. As the client, they expect you to let them know if they did a good job. […]

Creating a Space for VAs to Thrive: A Case Study

Clay Boootcamp logo

Nathan Lippi on Finding and Nurturing VAs with Limitless Potential Nathan Lippi is the founder of ClayBootCamp.com, a tool that teaches agencies how to optimally use Clay.com for their own business and their Clients’.  “Clay.com is a tool that helps people do automated outbound email campaigns that normally a salesperson would have to do; but […]

Practical Advice 190: Spencer’s “Imperfect Action” Hiring Process

Spencer’s “Imperfect Action” Hiring Process

I totally get it; hiring can be intimidating, and sometimes, procrastination sets in. But let me tell you, if you’ve been holding off since episode eight and now find yourself at episode 329, we might need to chat. Now, let me introduce you to Spencer. This guy listened, took action, and guess what? He just […]

Humanitarian Projects and Entrepreneurial Triumphs: Shepard’s Story

all around virtual assistant

Ready for an inspiring tale that blends the world of humanitarian projects with entrepreneurial triumphs? Well, grab your favorite beverage and settle in because we’ve got Shepard’s virtual assistant story coming your way! The Backstory Picture this: A former police officer turned entrepreneur with a passion for making a difference in the world. That’s Shepard. […]

Cold Caller VAs for Real Estate: A Case Study

cold callers

We had a chat with Josh Heinz, the mastermind behind the Impact Home Team Real Estate Investment Company in Baltimore, Maryland. Josh spilled the beans on how hiring Filipino virtual assistants (VAs) to do cold calling reshaped the trajectory of his career, bringing in a wave of positive changes. Getting Started in Real Estate Josh […]

OFS Day Out

I absolutely love hearing about my OFS adventures. They trust me enough to share their experiences when they are not working. A few weeks ago, one of my OFS, Vincent, went out of town on an adventure with his family. His brother-in-law flew in from abroad, and they decided to go on an unforgettable vacation. […]

My OFS Meet in Person

After years of working together remotely, it finally happened – my incredible OFS came together in person for the very first time! Picture this: a bunch of talented individuals, scattered across the Philippines, now sitting, together and gathered around a big dinner table, sharing stories and laughter. I can only imagine it to be a […]

Atiba de Souza: Transforming Businesses, Transforming Lives

I receive daily emails from business owners sharing how happy they are that they took the risk and hired an Online Online Specialist (OFS) at OnlineJobs.ph. But it’s the videos that I really love. I just got one from Atiba de Souza, also known as the Video Content Superman and CEO of Client Attraction Pros, […]

Aaron Hall: Outsourcing to the Philippines, Is It Right for Your Business

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlQppmjHV2U?el=ojblog Have you ever thought about outsourcing some of your tasks to save time and money?  You are definitely not alone. Outsourcing has become a popular option for businesses of all sizes, and for good reason! I recently received a video from Aaron Hall, an attorney for business owners and entrepreneurial companies, and provides these […]