Beyond Expectations – Kimberly’s Success with Her Filipino VA

Kimberly awoke in the morning with the perpetually nagging feeling that something was wrong. Owner of a self-made online marketing firm, Kimberly has to be on top of her company’s task list 24/7 to ensure that things run smoothly. And uncharacteristically, on that particular morning, Kimberly was not. “The to-do list!” Kimberly exclaimed aloud as […]

You ARE Making a Difference in the World

So, something crazy happened to me the other day. I was walking into our local Albertson’s store to pick up a last-minute gallon of milk before heading home. I stopped at a card table set up just outside the entrance, where a young man was selling his “art” to passersby. The young man was in […]

Don’t Get Stuck; Change Your Business, Change Your Life

I don’t know what to do. My pulse is thumping. Each breath is deafening. I feel the sweat bead and run down my forehead. I swear my heart relocated to pound in my ears and stomach and palms at the same time. ‘Fight or flight’ rips through me with adrenaline, and everything around me appears […]

How I Create Awesome Artwork for

My name is Christopher D. Barrientos. I am 27 years old and live in Iligan City in the Philippines. From the time I first heard of back in 2008, I’ve done a variety of different work. But nothing is as exciting and enjoyable as what I do now. As an outsourced worker, I first […]

Joven’s New Life as a Filipino Virtual Assistant

Joven is like most Filipinos; defined by family. He is first and foremost a husband and father to his growing family. What makes Joven different is that he’s able to provide well for his family without leaving the country or spending most of his time away from them. Joven works from home. His life is […]