Too Overwhelmed To Think About Hiring – Practical Advice

In the fast-paced business world, feeling swamped with tasks, drowning in emails, and overwhelmed by your to-do list is not uncommon. But here’s the kicker: Hiring someone might be the key to easing that overwhelming burden. When I used to think, “I have so much to do, how can I find the time to recruit […]

Why Onlinejobs.Ph Isn’t Like Fiverr Or UpWork – Practical Advice

You might be wondering why follows a path different from online employment giants like Fiverr and Upwork, but the answer is clear – I’ve consciously designed to cater to the needs of both employers and workers effectively. Many platforms thrive on short-term, high-turnover projects, taking a cut of workers’ earnings and imposing strict […]

Why You Should NOT Do A Phone Call With A Potential OFS – Practical Advice

Ready to start outsourcing? When hiring Rockstar VAs from the Philippines, or Online Filipino Specialists (OFS), scheduling live Zoom interviews might seem like the standard approach. However, this practice often leads to several challenges.  Consider this scenario: you have ten applicants and plan video interviews with them. Here’s what frequently occurs: Some applicants are hesitant […]

You Don’t Know If You Can Keep An OFS Busy – Practical Advice

One common concern when considering hiring is the fear of not having enough work to keep someone busy. It’s a hesitation I understand because I had it too in the beginning. I was not sure I could keep someone busy, among other concerns like affordability and quality of work. However, this concern is more about […]

OFS For Accounting and Tax Firms – Practical Advice

Hiring an Online Filipino Specialist (OFS) for your brick-and-mortar accounting firm might seem like a big step, but trust me, it’s worth it! Recently, Kathy reached out to me with some questions about hiring an OFS, and it got me thinking about how valuable they can be for any business. Kathy is interested in hiring […]

Let’s Talk About Failure With OFS – Practical Advice

Every day, my inbox is flooded with emails from employers, people who have used, those exploring its potential, and those who have experienced triumphs and setbacks. It is a constant stream of stories, emotions, and lessons. And I’m here to share them all with you. The messages range from glowing testimonials about the incredible […]

Training Your OFS Solves A Lot Of Problems – Practical Advice

Training your Online Filipino Specialist (OFS) is a game-changer! Despite the temptation to hire someone already super skilled, providing training and guidance builds a more successful partnership. Let me share my experiences and insights on why training solves so many problems. When I first started with an OFS, he was a complete newbie, but he […]

Balancing Flexibility And Accountability With OFS – Practical Advice When it comes to managing remote teams, it’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on accountability. After all, you want to ensure your team delivers quality work and meets deadlines, right? But, from my experience and perspective, accountability and flexibility are two sides of the same coin, equally important for a […]

How Can I Give My OFS More Tasks? – Practical Advice

Picture this: You’ve hired an Online Filipino Specialist to handle some of your workload. But instead of overwhelming them with a laundry list of tasks, you start with one task you know inside and out. This allows you to work closely with your OFS, training them thoroughly and ensuring they nail it! The secret here […]

How I Outsource Writing To My OFS – Practical Advice Writing can be a daunting and time-consuming task, especially when it’s not your forte. In the early days of my online business, I found myself buried in writing articles, blog posts, landing pages, and more. It drained me mentally and even physically, leaving me longing for a solution. That’s when I decided to outsource […]