How do you get paid and how often? This is one of the first questions I asked my sister when she introduced me to online work. I’ve been working for an IT company for 5 years at that time, and I found it hard to imagine how I’d get paid if I don’t have an […]
Hottest, Most In Demand Online Jobs for 2018
Recently, we were invited by GMA News and they asked us to contribute on what the hottest online jobs are. Their question gave us the idea of creating our own list of the 10 most demand online jobs. We say that these jobs are “in demand” based on the following criteria: – number of job […]
How To Invoice As An Online Worker
Learning how to invoice or to request for payment is one of the things online workers NEED to know if they want to get their salaries on time. Invoicing not only shows you’re a professional but also helps you keep track of your finances. But before we get into hows of invoicing, let’s make things […]
How To Get Your Dream Job In 6 Steps
Ever since I started working online people have been telling me how lucky I am. And I am lucky. I have a job that pays well, let’s me work at home at my own pace. Working online for the past 8 years has allowed me to gain a ton of skills that brought me personal […]
Does Age Matter When Applying for a Virtual Assistant Job?
Many people in their 40’s and above message us, afraid that they don’t have it in them anymore to work online. Some even asked us if it was possible to hide their age from their profile. Hence the question, “Does Age Matter When Applying for a Virtual Assistant Job?” The answer is ONE BIG NO. […]
How To Avoid Scam Jobs and Get A Legitimate Online Job
Updated April 27, 2020 One fear most people have about online work is encountering scam jobs and employers. We know this is rampant. Most online workers have experienced this at least once or know someone who has been scammed. Most who fall victim to these scam jobs are newbies but there are ways to avoid […]
Do I Need To Take Tests To Get Hired?
When you sign up for an jobseeker profile, you probably notice that we have a test feature. This feature actually links to free testing services for English, DISC, and IQ testing. It’s a nifty little feature. Once you’re done with the tests, you can take a screenshot of your test result, write your score […]
What Kind Of Work Can You Do Online and 5 Ways To Be Really Successful At It
Online work has become popular nowadays. When you think about the term, “online worker” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most of you would probably think that to be an online worker, you need to be a technical genius, like a software developer or a graphic designer. You have to know how to […]
How To Get An Employer At and Why You Don’t Have One Yet
We get asked this question A LOT. The process of getting an employer isn’t rocket science. All you need to do is register, create a jobseeker profile, and get verified. Once you have a verified jobseeker profile you can either wait to be contacted by employers or start applying for jobs. It’s that simple. […]
Do You Need To Be A College Graduate To Work Online?
Actually, it depends. One of the best things about being an online worker is it’s not about what you finished in college. What matters are your 1) skills, 2) training, 3) experience and 4) attitude. If you have the right mix of all four, then you can definitely get an online job. We at […]