Does Age Matter When Applying for a Virtual Assistant Job?

Many people in their 40’s and above message us, afraid that they don’t have it in them anymore to work online. Some even asked us if it was possible to hide their age from their profile.

Hence the question, “Does Age Matter When Applying for a Virtual Assistant Job?”

The answer is ONE BIG NO.
1 The answer is ONE BIG NO

As long as you’re legally allowed to work, age shouldn’t be a factor if you want to be a virtual assistant. Age is a much less factor compared to these qualities:
1. Skills
2 If you have the skills to do the job, why in the world not_
If you have the skills to do the job, why in the world not? Young applicants may be more tech-savvy. But you have the skills that don’t require software aid. Don’t underestimate the current skills you have.

2. Discipline and work ethic

Many younger applicants have good work ethic. But experience is still the best teacher. You have the experience that gave you the discipline to get the job done. You have the work ethic developed from years of employment. These are qualities you will need, especially if you have a job where you can’t see your boss.

3. Communication Skills
3 Social skills and the ability to communicate
Good communication isn’t intuitive. It’s something you develop over time. It’s not that easy to adjust to different bosses or teammates. You learn that by trial and error and the willingness to adjust.

4. Willingness to Be Trained

If you don’t have the skills for online work yet, but you’re willing to be trained, that’s what counts. If you were able to create an despite your kids snickering at you, then you’re brave enough to learn and start something new.

5. Asking for Help

You might think that’s not a big deal. However, not everyone is willing to ask for help. Not everyone can swallow their pride. It doesn’t matter if you’re asking for help from your boss, teammates, or friends. But learning to ask for help is essential. It shows that getting the job done is more important to you than your pride.

Are these qualities exclusive to a specific age group? No.

Is belonging to the tech age an advantage? Yes, of course!

But being a virtual assistant isn’t just about being a tech pro. Everybody has positive qualities that can be helpful for work and life. As long as you remain positive and have the genuine want to help a client and his business, you’ll be the perfect virtual assistant, even if you’re a “Tito” or “Tita.” ?


Jessica MadrazoAbout Jessica Madrazo
Jessica creates content and support for She is also involved in different advocacies like climate revolution, local arts, internet freedom, women’s rights and more.

She dreams of a world where people are able to tap their inner heroism and work together for a better world.

She has a Dalek watching over her computer.



    • says

      You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.

      To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>

      Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>

      You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!

      The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.

    • says

      You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.

      To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>

      Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>

      You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!

      The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.

  1. Arnel Banzon says

    Hi! I signed up with about two days ago, and I was wondering if there is any alternative to having an FB account for ID proofing. You see, I had maintained an FB account since 2011 then deactivated/closed it early 2016. FB doesn’t work for me because I think (i may be biased in saying this) a lot of people just use it as a platform to boast and show-off and sometimes post comments and share thoughts and greetings, even to people they live with at home (so no need to post it on FB), and many other things. Instead, I have a Linked-In account. So, can my Linked-In account be used in place of FB? If so, how do I go about it? And why is it that the website itself doesn’t have a “Help” link available? Lastly, how can I improve my ID Proof number? Anxiously waiting for some help . . . and many thanks!

    • says

      ID Proof is about providing lots of information to help determine your identity. If you only provide a small amount of honest information, then you’ll have a low ID trust score.

      Make sure that you have everything filled out…..facebook url, government id, picture, skill descriptions, etc. The more information that you provide, the easier it is for an employer to determine that you are who you say you are. Your ID proof score will be higher too. If you don’t have an Facebook profile, you can scan and email us 2 valid IDs to verify your identity.

      After updating your profile, the ID Proof score does not get updated right away, but will be automatically rechecked by the site in a day or so.

  2. Kent Paul Tempiatura says

    Hi, I’m 17 years old turning 18 this year and a senior high student, but I have an experienced in Data entry job, my previous job was data entry and it takes for almost 5 months. Is it okay to use my school ID as an ID proof? Thanks

  3. Elmer II Bajolo Dela Torre says

    Hi,Im a HighSchool Student and i will be a Grade 9 Student this upcoming School Year 2017-2018 and im 14 years of age and im asking if i am qualified enough for having a part time online job.Meron po bang chance?

    • says

      Hi Elmer,

      We require workers to be at east 18 years old in order to apply. We suggest you stay in school fr a few more years and gain more skills to make it easier for you to get online work n the future.

  4. Drew Asti Bernardo says

    Hi, I’m a 17 year old Senior High School Student. I was wondering if I qualify as a part-timer in an online job. My Technical, English, and Writing skills are good enough for a working environment. I really want to commit to this since I’m going to help my fam without neglecting my studies. Do I have a chance in qualifying? Thanks in advance for the reply.

    • says

      Hi Drew!

      Thanks for your interest. Given you skills, yes, you do qualify but we strongly suggest you finish schooling first. Focus on your studies for now so you can do full-time work (and get a better salary) in the future.

  5. MANUEL ARE says

    Hello. I just started doing my job search here. I would like to know about the ID score. If zero is the lowest and I got 12, what then is a high ID score? What does my ID 12 score mean?

    • says

      ID Proof is about providing lots of information to help determine your identity. If you only provide a small amount of honest information, then you’ll have a low ID trust score.

      Make sure that you have everything filled out…..facebook url, government id, picture, skill descriptions, etc. The more information that you provide, the easier it is for an employer to determine that you are who you say you are. Your ID proof score will be higher too.

      After updating your profile, the ID Proof score does not get updated right away, but will be automatically rechecked by the site in a day or so.

  6. Adrian says

    Hi! I’m 17 years old, turning 18 this coming october. Junior highschool graduate. In a tech-voc school. Am I qualified in at least part-time job online? If I try?

  7. Grace Cornejo says

    Hello, I am 17 years old, a senior high student. I’ve had few experiences in data entry, and wrote some fictions. I am willing to be part of any company, and willing to carry out the assigned responsibilities. I would like to know if I am qualified here? I am in need of money to support my studies and other financial problems. Please do response. Thank you so much.

    • says

      Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.

      You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.

      To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>

      Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>

      You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!

      The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.

  8. Leo Nicholas Zotomayor says

    Hello sir, I’m a 14-year-old student who wants to work at least part-time or for freelance. I already have experience based on writing stories and blogs through profit-free exposure. I saw that a previous commenter has told you that they are in a similar situation like mine, however, most of the people who read my blogs have told me that I should write for a profession. Am I qualified?

    • says

      Hi Leo!

      It’s great that you already have some skills and experience with online work. However, we strongly encourage that you finish your studies first before you apply. That way you can focus on your work full-time and you’ll have more skills, making it easier for you to find online work.

  9. Tashweeq Syed says

    Hello Sir/Madam..
    I’m a 16 year old student and i want to work part-time. I already have a great experience on writing articles , stories , creating web pages , marketing ,poems on different languages posting ads on social media and many more stuffs. I already did this type of jobs some places and also i have my page on Facebook where likes are increasing day by day .. I really want to try this opportunity. Am i qualified and allowed to do job?

    • says

      Hi Tash!

      It’s great that you already have experience. But we strongly recommend that you finish school first before applying for a job. That way you can focus and gain more skills that would allow you to get a better paying job.

  10. Angella Tan says

    Am I allowed to take summer job in here? Also I have another question… Am I allowed to find job even though I am just 14 years old?

    • says

      It’s allowed but we strongly encourage you that finish your studies before applying for an online job. If you don’t have a lot of skills or work experience, it won’t be easy. Once you finish school, you would have more skills, making it even easier for you to find a job.

    • says

      Technically yes but it would be better if you wait until you finish school. Working, even part-time, could distract you from your studies. And your prospects would be much better once you graduate and gain the skills you need to do online work.

  11. Anthony says

    Hi Julia,

    I like your site, the design is very functional. I am a 50-year-old business manager that had a bad stroke of luck with my last company. I have been applying for a lot of your job postings but I don’t know if the employer is even receiving my application. There has been no feedback/response from any employer. I know I am very much capable to do the jobs for the virtual assistant but I don’t know what is wrong. I really need an income paying job right now. I have been out of work for the last 6 months. Here is a link to my CV can you tell me is wrong. I think a Home base job is what I need to take care of my daughter that just turned 3.

    Hope you can help me on this.

    Kind regards

    • says

      Hi Roselyn,

      Thank you for your comment. It is possible yes, if you are able to provide or show your skills that would fit what a company is looking for, it is possible that they will take you into consideration

  12. Irish San Jose says

    Hi, I am an 18 years old and I want to have a part time job but I don’t have a valid ID although I already registered as a voter but I think it will take a year before I get my voter’s ID is it okay to use my school ID?

  13. Kent Mcjoseph Cemine says

    Hello, I am 16 years old, a senior high student. I’ve had few experiences in E-commerce, Editing Videos, Appointment Setting and also i have less experienced of SEO. Even though im not like the other experts on how they work. My primary goal, Is to provide my clients with the support they need to grow thier businesses, and im willing to carry out the assigned responsibilities. I would like to know if I am qualified here? I am in need of money to support my studies and other financial problems. Please do response. Thank you so much.

  14. Renerose sereño says

    Hi, I’m Renerose, I’m 17 this year and my skill is to communicate with others using only English language And above all I am easy to understand in everything

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