How To Avoid Scam Jobs and Get A Legitimate Online Job

Updated April 27, 2020

One fear most people have about online work is encountering scam jobs and employers. We know this is rampant. Most online workers have experienced this at least once or know someone who has been scammed.

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Most who fall victim to these scam jobs are newbies but there are ways to avoid them. How will you know if it’s a scam job or not?

Characteristics of A Scam Job

You have to pay to work. Ever encountered a job that asks you to pay a “registration fee”, “security fee” or “licensing fee”? A legitimate employer won’t ask you to buy “software” exclusively from them. If there’s a specialized application that you need to do your job, they either expect that you already have your own copy OR they would give you access to their corporate accounts.

If you have to pay to work, this means that the company isn’t earning from their clients. They’re making money from the fees they got from workers like you.

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You need to recruit people or you need to have a “downline” to earn your salary. We’re not talking about legitimate HR (human resource) jobs where it’s their job to find employees. We’re talking about jobs that require you to recruit jobseekers who have to pay to work.

If you look at it, you’ll see that it works a lot like a pyramid scam. Your salary depends on how big your downline is. To increase your income, you’ll need to recruit more workers. That’s because your “salary” is going to come from your downline, not your employer. So if you’re being asked to pay to get a job and if you have to recruit people to earn your salary, it’s a scam job.

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They don’t require you to have ANY skills to work. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. There are easy jobs out there but rarely do we find legitimate jobs that say they’re willing to hire anyone even if you have absolutely no skills. If it’s a real job, your employer will want you to have at least one skill to get the job done.

They’re not clear about how they can pay you. Early on, you should ask how they’re going to pay you for your work and when you can expect your salary. You don’t have to wait for the employer to tell you these things. If they can’t answer those questions, start applying elsewhere.

They ask you to send sexy photos or wear something provocative/strip during a video interview. We here at DO NOT ALLOW ADULT INDUSTRY JOBS. If a potential employer asks you to do anything sexually provocative, please report it to our support team ASAP.

Most Common Scam Jobs:

Captcha jobs: These jobs would require you to read captcha images and fill out what you see on a spreadsheet. Not only most of these jobs scams, the people who post these jobs are often cybercriminals.

Data entry jobs: Not all data entry jobs are scam but we have seen a lot of scam data entry job posts. These are the jobs most beginners go for, which is why most scammers go for them. The scam for data entry jobs can go in a number of ways:

  • They ask you to pay to use their exclusive data entry software
  • They ask you to do data entry tasks but don’t pay you
  • They ask you to do a more complicated task (that you can do) but don’t pay you.

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Ad clicking jobs: Online businesses pay advertisers everytime someone clicks on their ad. That’s because clicking on an ad is usually an indicator that you’re interested in the product and you want to buy. Some disreputable advertisers take advantage of this by creating “click farms” where they pay people to click on ads. Click farms are illegal and being part of a click farm makes you an accomplice.

Money laundering jobs: Okay, so they won’t tell you it’s money laundering. You will know that this is what we’re referring to when you’re hired to accept money to your account — most likely PayPal — and transfer smaller amounts of money to other accounts. This would make you an accomplice, too.

Account Rentals: These are scam jobs that offer to pay you if you give them access to your social media, online account accounts or other website accounts. In some cases, you would also be asked by your “employer” to buy bitcoin or accept bitcoin payments for him using your own account. They will say that the reason for this is because the Philippines doesn’t tax bitcoin).

We have even encountered it here in where non-Filipino jobseekers have offered to pay Filipino workers for access to their profiles.

These people are cybercriminals. They are renting accounts because:

  • Their accounts have been blocked
  • Their accounts are monitored by law enforcement
  • They want to use your account for criminal activity
  • They want to steal information from you and your network.

What You Can Do To Avoid Scam Employers

We understand that there are plenty of jobs out there that look legitimate. That’s why we have to be extra vigilant in order to avoid them. So what can you do to avoid being scammed?

Look for jobs from reputable websites. Online jobs are posted everywhere. But the best places to find legitimate jobs is from reputable websites like, Freelancer, Upwork, etc. Websites like ours have been around for many years and we’re continuously making changes to ensure that both jobseekers and employers are protected from scams.


Don’t be afraid to ask for references or ask questions if you’re not sure. One of the best tips I got on how to avoid scam employers was to ask the employer if he has other Filipino workers. If he does, ask if you could contact them. A legitimate employer wouldn’t have a problem offering references. And it is reassuring to know when an employer has other Filipino workers that can confirm that he’s a legitimate business owner.

If you do encounter a scam employer, report it! Thousands of jobs are posted on our website daily. We do our best to monitor most of them but sadly, some do manage to slip through the cracks. So if you see a scam job, please let us know! By doing this you’re helping us protect other Filipinos and make us better at detecting scam jobs in the future.

What We’re Doing To Stop This From Happening

We at are aware of this problem and we have placed safeguards to minimize this within our site. Just some of the measures we have implemented are:

Employers Pay To Access Jobseeker Database. Unlike most job sites, we don’t charge commission from jobseekers, instead we charge employers. Why? We’ve noticed most legitimate employers are willing to pay for information to get good workers while scam employers avoid spending as much as they can.

You can verify an employer. Did an employer contact you, claiming to have found your profile on, but you’re not sure he’s legitimate. You can check out if he’s a real employer on our database with employer search.

Reporting system for scam employers. We have a system in place where you can report employers in the event that they don’t fulfill the terms of your contract. To file an official complaint, all you need to do is email, explain to them the situation, and include in the email any information that can support your complaint (contracts, emails, chat history, etc). Once a complaint is filed, we will launch an investigation and talk to your employer on your behalf to help settle the dispute.

Blacklisting scam employers. We regularly receive reports from jobseekers about scam employers, even those that are not on our database. Once we’re able to confirm this, we blacklist them from our database.

Manual, random job database checks.  We have virtual assistants who manually check our jobs database to flag scammy job posts and remove them as soon as we can.

Hope these tips help you avoid online scams and help you find the online job of your dreams. Learn more about what jobs are available  and what skills you would need to be an online worker by checking out our blog.

Updated April 27, 2020

Julia Sta RomanaAbout Julia Jasmine M. Sta Romana

Julia has been working for since 2012, first as a writer and now as its social media manager and content development specialist. She also founded the Davao Virtual Assistants Association, the biggest VA association in Davao City.

She’s a full-time wife and mom and volunteers her time as an internet rights advocate.


    • says

      You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.

      To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>

      Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>

      You can find a wide variety of jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!

      The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.

      • Anon says

        I am a new registered member on your site and I am one of those freelancers. I would like to ask if when you see a Job Posts on the Job Listings and if you’re interested in that job and you would like to apply and message/email the Employer, what would be the right content should be written on your message? Can you possibly give me some tips? Thank you!

      • Michel Lumpas says

        I am newly registered on this job site, I just found out that when applying for one position there’s notification would appear not to apply for more than 1 position otherwise it will reflect on the account at it might be the case to be block listed. I just wonder why can’t I applied for more than one position. Coz if that’s the case then it takes me a lot of time to be idle as I’m not sure if I get hired by the employer wherein I applied.

        I’d be thankful if you can clear up this matter to me.

  1. rorely salvadico says

    Hi good pm i would like to join this Job online I was resign my job to take care my kid so just want to ask f it is legitimate this job I mean it is not scam? Im sorry just I want to make sure it is not scam did it before but I love to join here thank u

    • says

      You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.

      To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>

      Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>

      You can find a wide variety of jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!

      The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.

  2. Bernie Castro says

    Hi Ms. Julia,

    The employer contacts me at my skype account. I forgot the job he post on the Onlinejobsph. Last thing I remember that , we will contact him thru his Skype account. How will I verify if he is legitimate? He’s name is Frank Love.

    Thanks and more power!


      • Rey Cruz says

        I was also hired by Frank Love, i was doing data encoding for 3 days now, he said i will be payed via PayPal weekly on a 3 dollar per page rate. I’m not sure actually if he’s legit, however i’m just testing if he would really pay me coz the task is really easy since its just 2 pages per day. What bothers me though, is that he has referred a friend of him to me who could give extra job, his asked me to add him also via skype, his name was mark.conner90 and the job was to receive fund transfer in my PayPal from “their client” (since their company was then transfer it to their PayPal account then i’ll get 3% of each transaction. Ofcourse that really sound fraudulent so i didn’t agree.

          • Ghia says

            I have the same case but it was a girl name “Stacy Turner” and she referred me also to mark.conner90″. She said that she will pay me tomorrow Friday. :))

          • Ena says

            I am currently working for Stacy Turner, their company name is same exact scenario, 3$ per page and she have sent me 10 pages already. and then she referred me to Mark Conner this is what he said on skype:
            Mark Conner
            Hi. So what do we have for you. Not all our clients wanna show that they was using our service, like when husband is trying to understand something about cheating of his wife, he don’t wanna show transactions to us in his statements. So in this way we would like to give you one more job. You will receive the money from our clients to your PayPal account, after that you will send this money to us. Your will receive 3% from every transfer.

            Ok, so if you agree with this job, you will need to send an information to me like: Your full name, Your city, email address, phone number, PayPal account (only email), date of birth and the screenshot of the main page of your PayPal account that will show that your PayPal account is verified (has linked bank account). You will start to work after that how i will verify all information about you. If you will have any other questions you can send them to my skype. Thanks

            If Lory was not paid I think I am also being scammed by them. (hopefully not)

          • Ghia says

            Hey Ena can you add me at skype lets talk. Im currently working with them and today she said would be my payment. Please add me, georgiacstll

          • Vinz says

            Hi, I was also hired by Stacy. Same scenario, I was referred to Mark and I was asked if I’ll want an extra job which is to receive payment from their clients and transfer to them. I declined as it seems so shady. Then, then when payday with Stacy came. I didn’t receive my payment and she told me that there has been a problem with their company’s Paypal. I never received a payment from Stacy and never heard from her again.

  3. Lory-Ann Granada says

    I also encounter this Frank Love and Mark Corner when I’m looking for a freelance job here at the scenario are the same, typing job at first then that 3$ per page and then money transfer with 3% commission. I’ve done 6 pages with Frank Love last August 4, 2016 but I don’t get any payment. And I did my last conversation with Mark Corner last August 3, 2016. from then I didn’t get any message from the two.

  4. Faith says

    Hey i did some typing job for stacy turner and she introduce me to mark conner also.. i actually did reply to mark conner and now i regret it..

  5. myrzie says

    Im glad i came across this. I was scammed too by that Stacey Turner. And referred me as well with Mark Conner..

  6. Ghia says

    Hello guys! They are using another company name which is “” Ingat kayo guys. Don’t give any details na lang for safety purposes.

  7. Juna May says

    OMG!! I am being scammed of this name Jane Studer under Mike’s Protection, she did not pay me for all 15 pages I converted from JPEG to Excel. She said that today is my pay day and now she’s not replying to me! There’s also name David Fleenor, whom she refered to me and is working still under Mike’s Protection, he offered me a job too and I also have a doubt to this guy. He asked some information. Please put some action to this. I already filed a complaint though.

  8. janelyn servidad says

    thanks Julia for this helpful blog. i almost fell into scammers, some of which i did some works only a few days after i came across blog like this to check if the website do exist. carefully then, every time i received email for job opportunities, it became practice for me to check on reviews about said sites from then on i discovered a lot of scammers. thank you for people like you. i will share your post in my Facebook account as this could also help other people who are looking for legitimate home based jobs. thank you Julia and more power.

  9. Daisy says

    Hi everyone! I am glad I came across this.

    Going through the comments, made me want to ask this too. Have you been employed by a certain Michael Reicher? I don’t know but i am starting to think this could be a scam. Although he is a verified employer, it expired on Jan 5th this year and my time doctor acct he had me used to track my time is suspended. We are constantly exchanging emails though and he told i will be paid once a month every 10th. I am still waiting for his reply about the suspended time doctor acct.

    • Jess Anzilo Garcia says

      The same scenario but the name of the the employer is Jimmy Tronson. Please reply guys if this name is legit thanks.

        • Rachel Mae Miñao says

          Hi Ma’am, I am also scammed by certain Aya Sirois. Same scenario, I received jpeg files from her and I sent her excel file containing details from that jpeg files, then after 3 days referred me to his alleged boss “Eric Bugbee” and then a day after she was gone in fb messenger.

          • says

            Please report this to

            Thank you everyone for sharing your stories here. But I would like to remind everyone that we can’t take action on these complaints unless they are reported to our support staff. Don’t wait for someone else to notice or report a scamming incident for you. And when reporting, please gather evidence like contracts, chat or email histories, etc. We try to respond to all complaints but we do prioritize those who file complaints with supporting documentation.

      • geazhel arellano says

        hello guys!
        OMG! I was hired by the same person JImmy Tronson. He promised to pay on every 15th of the month. I waited for him to message me yesterday regarding with his payment status but I haven’t received any updates yet. What to do?

    • Nevelli says

      Daisy, I think were on the same page. Whats the name of your employer? ID been working with him since january 2017 , he told me that payout will be every 15th of the month. I waited until feb 15 but its been 3 days past he havent send me anything or email whatsover. My time doctor was also suspended. Please add me on skype nevelli.firmeza. Already report this to onlinejobs support desk

  10. Ivy says

    He is my client now did he pay you, Jess Anzilo Garcia and Daisy? He said he will pay me every 15th of the month I am concerned about that because I already worked 7 days already.

  11. Daisy says

    I never got any reply from this Mike Reicher. And i was never paid. Onlinejobs was not able to do w/ anything too. Try asking if he has other Filipino employees for reference.

    What he had me do was send emails to real estate websites.

  12. Ivy says

    I emailed him about that and he said that ” I am really sick today and have a fever and migraine. I will be able to respond to your emails tomorrow most likely. Sorry for the delay and I will respond as soon as I can. ” and I replied to him ” that he is a scammer” and he replied back ” What is the world are you talking about? ” and replied to him “Please pay my work ” and he replied ” Everyone is paid on the 15th of each month. We stated this from the very beginning when we hired you. I really do appreciate you calling me a scammer. ”

    This is a lesson learned before accepting a client from Onlinejob I should check first if they are legit.

  13. Ced says


    I was also hired by mr. jimmy tronson. Is he a legit client? He said that he will pay every 15th of the month. I will expect him to pay me this feb 16.

    Any familiar cases here?

    • dong says

      Mr. Jimmy Tronson hired me. I started to work jan 18, 2017. He promised to pay on every 15th of the month, but untl now he didn’t pay me.

  14. Raquel N. says

    Hi, I just registered with for almost 2 weeks or maybe less 🙂 ” First time to apply for home based ” .. After I finished my profile, I started looking for a job, applied for VA, data entry, or transcription. However, I’m not really sure if I’m doing the right process because after submitting a lot of application I never received any response. So, I would like to ask how will I know if I’m actually doing the right process when applying and How will I know that I’m really applying for the job.

    Thanks for any response to this. God Bless

  15. Elisa says

    My befriend applied as a CSR to some listed companies of According to him he was hired,infact he received some overseas calls and expecting to receive a salary within a week as promised to him by the employer. But when he tried to ask an updated when he will receive his salary through paypal the employer is no longer replying to him. So it means some companies listed to this site is not legit.

    • says

      We acknowledge that we can’t screen all employers as we handle thousands of accounts everyday. That is we we hope that your can encourage your friend to report if an employer has scammed him. That way, we can develop a more robust system and block these employers as soon as possible.

  16. Kristian says

    I recently got scammed by an employer name Miranda Smith. I knew that the job is too good to be true. I still accepted her offer and tried it for a week. The problem here is that there is limited information about the employers. Each employer or client include their company name, profile and contact information (address and phone number) on your site (mandatory) so that we can research more about their company and file complaints directly to Better Business Bureau ( for example, we did not get paid). Anyways, I am still looking for jobs here and will try once more. I know there will be some legit ones. I hope is really doing their best and developing “more robust system” not only to block the names and email addresses of scammers (kasi ang dali dali mag gawa ng fake email account and fake names) but to develop solution/s.


    Kawawa naman po kaming mga naghahanap ng seryosong trabaho at gustong kumita ng pera. Kung may ID proof kami, dapat ung employers meron din. Kung may picture kami dapat ilagay sa system niyo, dapat sila din meron. Kung kailangan mag upload kami ng govt issued ID, sila din dapat may ganun.

  17. Kerlie says

    Good day!

    I’m a full time working mom and currently looking for a part time job here. I have applied many times here but not yet hired, Are the employers getting my application?how would I now that? Also, how will I increase my chance of getting hired? Actually I don’t have much idea about how are the jobs are done here but I am very much willing to learn.

  18. Cyrine Calagos says

    Hi. Have you been employed by a certain Chandra Wasan? I don’t know but i am starting to think this could be a scam. He offers accounting works, but it seemed like he’s just hiring a good looking female worker. Looking forward for a reply. Thank you.

    • Joyce says

      I am currently working for him for a day now and said that he’s going to pay for my internet connection. He said he already sent it on my account and will be receiving it after 3 days. He is under his email’s account name and has no records of any complaints from his previous employees. So, how’s your experience as his employee? I just want to know also for reference. Thanks!

      • previousemployee says

        I worked for him for a while but resigned because he does look for good-looking female employees. He hired me before even speaking to me. He takes care of his employee though. I just was not comfortable with him being like that, so I left the job. He said the job is 7-3pm Philippine time M-F but turned out that the job is actually daily and the 7-3 pm sched will be continued for some meeting in the evening about the tasks for next day. The pay was Php3,000 per week. It involves calling clients, maintaining his website and things like that. I searched for his account here but it turned out that it’s not searchable anymore. It’s either he changed his email after hiring a new VA or he just totally took off from the site. Anyways, his system did not just work well with me.

  19. Marc Tristan Puyat says

    Hi I also applied for a Data Entry job, dapat nung 20th ako babayaran pero until now wala pa din akong pay na natatanggap his name is simon delany, check ko yung employer wala namang reklamo pero i think na scam ako kase di na sya nagrereply after ko mag email sa mga real estate agets 2 weeks ako nagwork sa kanya habang nagaalaga ako ng anak ko na special child nasayang lang panahon ko

  20. Lydia Ongkiko says

    Hi, just want to ask if there is any effect on my ID proof if I apply for a job that requires a lower ID proof than mine?

    • says

      ID Proof is about providing lots of information to help determine your identity. If you only provide a small amount of honest information, then you’ll have a low ID trust score.

      Make sure that you have everything filled out…..facebook url, government id, picture, skill descriptions, etc. The more information that you provide, the easier it is for an employer to determine that you are who you say you are. Your ID proof score will be higher too.

      After updating your profile, the ID Proof score does not get updated right away, but will be automatically rechecked by the site in a day or so.

  21. John Paul Bermundo says


    I sent an email at reporting an employer who scammed me, he didn’t pay for the last week of my work, without giving any reason, then removed my and blocked all means of communication. I sent it 7 days ago (Aug 2) Please help.

  22. Ellie says

    Hi! Under training kasi ako ngayon. First time daw ni client na maghi-hire ng VA, pero I checked his account and paying naman. First time ko rin makahanap ng client dito sa OLJ. Yung interview namin is through Skype, sabi naman ni client na I will get paid through Paypal every 2 weeks. Through emails lang ang communication namin ngayon. Ask ko lang paano ba process ng hiring sa OLJ? Dapat ba, all communications dito sa OLJ? May record ba dapat dito sa site na he hired me already and may contract kami? Ayoko naman mag-doubt kay client kasi tine-train naman nya ako and parang ina-assess pa lang nya yung skills ko, pero for safety reasons na rin kasi sayang naman ang oras hehe. Hope you can enlighten me. Thanks!

    • says

      Dapat ba, all communications dito sa OLJ?
      – Once you have an agreement with your employer, the communication can be done directly.
      May record ba dapat dito sa site na he hired me already and may contract kami?
      – Once yoru are hired, the employer can mark your profile as hired. The contract would be between you and the employer.

  23. Alain Ryan Payot says

    hi good am, i am new to this job. have registered already. just want to ask, what other tools or materials do i need to start with besides this laptop computer?

  24. Jonathan Orevillo says

    Hi, anyone here also hired by a Taylor Mcfarland? She tends to be really late with her payments. I got my first week payment after 4 days of the agreed day. I am now on my third week and now waiting for my 2nd week’s salary which also late. The problem is she does not reply on my skype chats and emails even though shes online and that really worries me. I know she has other VAs here and was wondering if she also has the same attitude toward her other VAs as well. Thanks.

  25. Laurence Nicdao says

    Hi! I’ve been here for quite some time now even though I’m still not getting job. Hehehe. but I saw some job posts that caught my attention. They are employers who are looking for VA who can do something for them first like a challenge. Is it a challenge or is it a free job already? Or I’m just over thinking about it.

  26. Elena Macandog says

    HI! have a nice a day I’m Ellen for the applicant is very interesting to get a job I want to apply to your company for being the Admin virtual assistant and project management my skill is office staff data encoder using a computer. sales marketing, telephone marketing almost 7 yrs experience. if you hire me and to work in a company that will help me to acquire knowledge, to share my skills develop those for professional growth and career opportunity that will in chance my skills, ability, and knowledge I do my best. this is my valid id from government Tin #432-210-793-000 Elena S. Macandog id #04-5813-000-264 thank you and I hope your kinds and consideration God Bless you always.

    Very truly yours,

    Elena S. Macandog

  27. Leslie says

    Hello.. Saan po pwde makareport sa employer… Na scam po kasi ako ni (Johny T) Nagtratrabaho po ako sa kanya 2weeks po.per listing po rate ko. yun mukang marami2 narin po ang mga listing ko po.nagdududa na po ako sakanya kasi po paibaiba po kasi ugali nya d po maintndhan.ayun na po malapit na po sahuran d na po sya nagpakita. 🙁

  28. Aristotle Doria says

    I think there is some glitch in your system. The jobseeker must also know what is the ID proof score of the employer in order for them to know in the first hand if it’s legit before searching them in your employer search feature. It’s because we jobseekers have all these ID proof score and while those employers don’t have? I also think that will be fair both us the jobseekers and also to employers to not waste any of our time in applying to some of these online jobs, and later to know that it’s a scam.

    • Jonathan Tantoy says

      I agree with this suggestion. You keep posting about how to avoid scamming but the developer itself failed to even try to help in their part to lessen the scammer. Or lessen the victim of scams.

  29. Krisha Moscardon says

    Anyone here hired by Gilbert Hahn? He’s not paying me yet, I’m starting to think he’s a scammer.

    • Fred Jacob says

      you won’t get paid…ever…you’ve been scammed good…sana umpisa pa lang nag pa advance ka na ng bayad….ikaw tuloy ang naisahan….wala naman pakialam ang site na ito sa mga applicants na na scam….interest ng mga nagbabayad bd premium ang concern nila at hindi sa applicant. Sa case ko nga, pinipilit ako na tapusin ko 3 articles…nung tinanong ko kung paano ako babayaran hindi makabigay ng matinong sagot…ayun…minura ko sa skype….

      • Marco Antonio says

        This is so true @fred, pera pera lang. kung may action man eh bias towards the paying client, useless pag submit ng review dito. what i did is nag create ako ng blog site, ung free lang, wrote a short review and tips on what to do para ma confirm nila na magbabayad pag na employ sila ng client na tinutukoy ko, then ayon… dapat optimized ung content and blog page sa name and business ng client mo. yung maganda kasi nyan is full control mo ung content which means, pwede mong tanggalin sa circulation kung gugustohin mo.

        nyway balik sa comment ni @fred, i totally agree with him, bye bye na yung sahod mo. karma na lang sa kanya

  30. Warren Ruizo says

    Hello Guys,

    I’ve been searching the internet for answers on how to know the identity of every employer behind a job post.
    Still, I can’t find answers. Some job posts don’t include any details as who’s the boss, what kind of business they’re doing.
    The Employer Search page won’t work for me because the job post didn’t mention a name or an email address at all.

    Please advise. Thank you!


  31. Jonathan Tantoy says

    There are job posted that does not mention their company name? how to check if the job posted was legit?

    Do you have anyone assigned filtering those job postings before it will be posted? like before it will be posted on the website, someone should check if the employer is legit.

  32. Sushmita Gem Granada says

    I created my profile on this website for WordPress Developer, but when everytime I make Bid on any Job than that detail and message not goes to client.
    I applied more than 20+ jobs but i think my replies are not going through clients.

    I email many times on but they are also not responding, Can someone help me with this Please.


  33. Stella Mariz T. Lumontad says

    Good day!

    I sent an email about an employer who scammed a lot of people in OLJ. I hope that you could read my email and take further action about this concern.

  34. Mohammad Manarondong says

    Hello! I am a jobseeker at Please, please, PLEASE, blacklist Digital Marketing Web Design. Its clearly a scam and they somehow always have a job post where they need you to apply to their website and then nothing happens. Its just a waste of time and they clearly aren’t legit employers. Thank you!

  35. Rex Borromeo says

    Hello ma’am,

    A pleasant day to you

    I would like to take part in eradicating this scam employer which I found a lot here on our website. In order to avoid others being victimized, where can I report scam pseudo-employer? can you provide me with a link where I can immediately file my report? It was just recently I nearly got victimized by a pseudo-employer asking for a $5O ID processing fee. Thank you for your reply

    Kind Regards,

    Rex B.

    • says

      Hi Rex,

      Thank you for your comment. You can email our support team ( regarding your concern, they will be asking you for more details but you can provide them details beforehand such as the email address of the employer, link of the job post, etc.

  36. Ian Quisado says

    When you say “Full Time” are this companies are govern under the existing labor standards and laws in the Philippines.
    or its it covered in RA 11165 An Act Institutionalizing Telecommuting as An Alternative Work Arrangement for Employees in the Private Sector.?

    I have a lot of friends working full time and just being disengaged in a snap. Please advise.Thanks

    • says

      Hi Ian,

      Thank you for your comment. The companies that hire through don’t have an entity under the Philippines and are therefore not covered under Philippine law.

  37. Arjuna Flores says

    Hi! Good day, I just want your opinion about something if its a scam or not. I applied in this employer then he messaged me to do a sample task to make sure that i have the skill and qualities for the job. He then gave me an email to where to send my sample output, the email is like a company’s name. Anyway the sample task that i did is for a youtube personality. The other night this employer emailed me that he likes what i did and he needs to send it to his “boss” which is the youtube personality if he will like them. Its been 2 days since, and no email or anything. Should i wait more, or is it a scam? thanks

    • says

      Hi Arjuna,

      Thank you for your comment. It is best to contact our support team ( to provide them with details & to assist you further with the concern. They can also help out with the mediation process if needed & so that they can check on the employer’s account from their end

  38. Babel Delfino Moraga says

    Hello I am a virutal assistant and there’s a client name Rio Ram that scam me please beware on this person 1 week not paid.

  39. Cherry Ann says

    So once employers scam you for monthly payments then what next what can OLj do about this? may I know what steps can you do to resolve this because as far as I am concerned you will just email them and thats it but in years scam issues remained unresolved! Emailing is not a guarantee of being paid and some employers will just ignore your email! You dont have any assurance even OLJ itself to guaranteed payment from employers it is best if payments are weekly

    • Benjamin Perez says

      If would like to report non-payment by your employer, please email our support staff ( with the subject line: Non-Payment Dispute
      In the email, please include the following:
      The email account you’re using for your account
      Your employer’s email address
      Your employer’s email address (if you know it)
      Screenshots of the contract or agreement with your employer
      Any other documentation to prove that you have delivered on your work and was not paid for it
      Our support team will contact you as soon as they see your email.

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