How My OFS Team Does FB Ads – Practical Advice Let’s talk about Facebook ads. Now, before we dive in, I have a confession to make: I’m not a fan of Facebook. It’s something I’ve mentioned before, but it’s important to reiterate. I don’t have the app on my phone, I don’t log in on my computer, and I actively avoid engaging with it. […]

How To Outsource Tasks You DON’T KNOW How To Do? – Practical Advice Outsourcing can be a powerful tool for business growth, but knowing how to navigate the process is key. One effective strategy is to start by delegating tasks you already know how to do. Doing this lets you set clear expectations, hire the right talent, and provide relevant feedback and training. It simplifies the entire […]

6 Ways To Fail When Hiring An OFS – Practical Advice

Outsourcing your business is a smart move, but there are certain mistakes that people commonly make, making the process more challenging than it needs to be.  Let’s take a look at the six common mistakes to avoid when hiring in the Philippines. Number 1: Trying to hire someone to do everything. It’s important to be […]

Can Your OFS Recruit For You? – Practical Advice So, you’re considering hiring another Online Filipino Specialist (OFS) for your team, but the idea of doing all the work and recruiting is too much. I completely understand where you’re coming from. But here’s something interesting that comes up quite often: Can you have your trusted team member handle the recruitment for you on […]

Hiring Newbie Workers – Practical Advice

Is one of the reasons you’re not outsourcing because you’re worried you won’t find anyone experienced and highly skilled? Why not take a chance on newbies? I get why experienced workers are always the first choice – it’s because we think that “experienced” means “skilled”. Let me tell you, that is only sometimes the case. […]

The Best Way To Keep Your Data Secure When Working With An OFS – Practical Advice Data security is the number one concern when it comes to outsourcing.  This is totally understandable, with you and your OFS working a thousand miles from each other and having work hours that are the complete opposite. Regarding technology, you don’t have to worry about your OFS’ computers because what we’re using here (anywhere […]

Why Your OFS Doesn’t Want To Take A Vacation – Practical Advice

Do you have an OFS who just doesn’t want to take some time off? Believe me, my OFS are the same. At, my OFS have unlimited paid time off, and they know this. We encourage work-life balance so they can go on holidays, spend some time with their families, etc. Despite this, none of […]

How My OFS Help With Lead Generation – Practical Advice Lead Generation is all the rave now. Businesses pay money for marketing and pulling in potential customers, and they do it everywhere! Business owners often ask me what my OFS do to help me with lead generation. First, I just want to let you all know that my business is absolutely different from yours, […]

Is Your OFS Making Mistakes? – Practical Advice Mistakes are normal, it’s a part of life. Yes, mistakes can lead to failure, but it is how you approach the job that will determine success. When your Online Filipino Specialist is the one making mistakes, though, it is extra frustrating knowing that they are making these mistakes and failing at your expense. There […]