Your Online Filipino Specialist is a human being. Imperfect. If you expect this person to be a superstar from day one, you’ve set your sights too high. No doubt, you will be disappointed.
But that doesn’t mean that your OFS can’t completely astound you with off-the-charts good work. In time, they definitely would.
Here are a few examples of experiences I’ve had with OFSs that illustrate the great things they’ve done and can do for you:
Your VA will learn new skills and make tremendous strides
One of the most satisfying parts of being a business owner is seeing your employees embrace the challenge of tackling new assignments and coming through with great success. A rock-star OFS will progress consistently to the point where you can count on them to accomplish just about anything you ask.
I have an OFS who has an incredible knack for increasing his knowledge and abilities as I needed him to complete various tasks. This OFS had a few skills when I first hired him. But through hard work and a willingness to learn, got good at using many programs and tools.
Knowing this man had some graphics skills, I initially hired him to work on a car insurance website. Things were moving slowly in the beginning. He didn’t like to send daily updates.
It was hard for me at first, but I was patient. One day he sent me an update. It turns out he was working the whole time. He finished the site and did a pretty good job.
From there, I worked closely with him and taught him WordPress to do some work on my Jonas Blog site. When we started, he knew nothing about WordPress but quickly became proficient. Now, he’s an expert and can easily create plug-ins and responsive themes.
The progress didn’t stop there. Next, I had him work on building a tool that pulled data from a Microsoft website. It took him FOREVER!!! There were months where he avoided talking to me about it. I was so frustrated because I thought it was a pretty simple thing I had asked him to do.
It turned out that the job was impossible to do with the tools I had given him.
This is where he became a rock-star for me. I had asked for a web-based tool (which was impossible). A few months later, he came to me with a Windows program he had written that worked exactly how I wanted. He learned a new programming language (C#), so he could complete the task! ROCK-STAR!!!
We then moved on to things he had no idea how to do. But providing direction on where and how to do these things, he met the tasks head-on.
- He learned the CodeIgniter framework,
- Built the initial version of,
- Learned Linux and server administration, and
- Learned GitHub to help our programmers work better together.
This OFS also made fantastic progress in his ability to speak and write in English. When I first hired him, it was hard to have telephone conversations. As time went on, his English improved significantly. This week he told me, “It’s really hilarious because I know my English sucks, but you still published it on your blog. Hehe.”
Now, communicating with him is easy.
Your Online Filipino Specialists are bound to frustrate you with mistakes. Work with them diligently. Assist them in overcoming shortcomings and setbacks. As you help them progress through assignments and master new skills, they can become the rock-star OFSs you’ve always hoped for.
Your OFS will do some things better.
A few years ago, I gave one of my Online Filipino Specialists a marketing task. I gave this person precise instructions. I carefully laid out the project in the way I thought would best accomplish it. I explained:
- how often to do the task,
- how to write it, and
- what websites to use as resources.
Then I cut him loose to go to work.
At first, I would receive daily updates from this person on how the project was coming along. After six months, however, the updates stopped.
I was concerned. I know someone in my shoes would become frustrated at the lack of communication and fire the employee. I decided not to let him go. Instead, I reached out to find out why he had seemingly disappeared.
His explanation was typical of Filipinos workers. He had stopped updating me because he had found a better way to do the project. But he was afraid that if he told me that, I would be upset at him for doing it differently, and I would fire him.
I was amazed that he had taken the initiative to research and figure out how to do things better. I was thrilled. To reward him for taking the project beyond my expectations, I gave him a $100 bonus. He continued to do tremendous work.
Your OFS will be proactive.
At the start, your OFS might need some hand-holding. But eventually, they’ll go above and beyond without even being asked.
Once, I discovered that one of my workers had taken it upon himself to create a fan page for The page had more than 1,000 “likes.” I hadn’t asked this worker, or anyone else, to create this page. Yet, he recognized the value and potential it had for the business. He turned his proactive efforts into a resounding success. Today the page has over 100,000 likes.
Eventually, I allowed him to take the lead on different projects. Because of his progress and my trust in him, he could think outside the box and create this fan page. I thanked this worker for thinking beyond the normal scope of his duties. For his work, I sent him a $50 bonus.
Your OFS can come up with solutions to problems.
As a business owner, you should be available to help your Online Filipino Specialist with any questions or concerns. This is one of the keys to creating rock-star workers.
But it’s even better when your OFS can find answers on their own.
I asked one of my OFS to create an account for someone on one of our sites. I forgot to provide him with the information needed to make this account (I only gave him the person’s name).
My OFS sent a quick email (while I was asleep) explaining that he needed this person’s email address to complete the account creation. A few minutes later, he sent another email saying that he had Googled the person’s name and found the email address on his own.
What an example of not waiting around for me to come to the rescue! This worker had the mind to take care of the situation, and he did so quickly and efficiently. He, too, got a $50 bonus for doing this.
Your OFS can produce consistent, high-quality work.
I have one worker in particular who has stood out as a tremendous asset to my business. He is a definite rock-star.
What has made him so good?
From the beginning, he was simply diligent. That’s all he started with: no skills, no knowledge. He was responsive to my emails and was very detail-oriented, which are two things I look for in an OFS.
I taught him to do many things like how to build websites and how to do marketing for them. He took the things I taught him and added to them. He then started doing projects without being told.
Now, he comes up with innovative ideas to enhance the projects I assign him. His work is always top-notch. I gave him a well-deserved pay raise from $450 a month to $750 a month to show my appreciation.
How can your OFS be like those in these examples?
As you implement the following practices and habits with your OFS, they will be capable of exemplary work.

About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at and Facebook.
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I Love Filipino workers! They are hard workers and their English speaking skills are awesome! I have great respect of the Filipinos. I actually lived in Angeles City, outside of Clark Air Force Base when I was 7-8 years old. Overall, exceptional people! Thank you. I’ve had many great articles written for my website:
I agree with this
proud Pinoy here
I have used a Filipino Graphic Designer for 7 years. He is truly a rock star and couldn’t do what I do without him. I am ready to hire a full time VA and will definitely look only to the Philippines. Thank you for this great.
Hi, I am from Philippines,..Under graduated business administration services.. Do u think I can get a job here and what kind?
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
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Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
I am a bank employee who is looking for a part-tome job that suits my skills. As an office employee, I am very familiar of using Ms Office Applications such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint. I also know basic and different shortcut keys that will make me expedite my job. If there’s a need for mento rush my work, I know I can handle it because time-management is the usual practice that I do in my work. I am also very keen to details and knows how to make my work efficient. Hope I would meet your expectations. Thanks
I am an Overseas Worker here in Middle East (DOHA QATAR), I have been working here for the last 10 years as Senior Accountant/ Internal Auditor, and want to return home for good. I am familiar with various accounting software such as QuickBooks, Peachtree, ERP TALLY and Sage 50. I am looking for a full time online job.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
I’m Shermahal p.hadjinulla 33years of age single good health resident of bluehomes mercedez block9 lot3 Zamboanga city Philippine I finish 4years bachelor science commerce at universidad de Zamboanga I’m hardworking self starter in trusting good person. And I apply any job as long as I hired thank you god bless
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
hi ma’am, is it advisable for us to apply for multiple jobs at the same time?
What we advise is to apply for jobs your are qualified for. If there are a lot of openings, there’s nothing wrong with applying to multiple job posts to see which one would give you a job. The bigger problem is when you already have a full-time job and you keep applying for more. You would be overworked and unable to spend time with your family.
What I don’t know is why there is a “TIME PROOF” If the freelancer can do the job better. Maybe He or She is new here but it doesn’t mean they weren’t good at it! You will loose lots of client because of that!
Hi good day!
I read all things you guys wrote here about VA or Virtual Assistant job, im amazed and overwhelmed of how you guys treated us “Filipinos”, im not a VA but im kind of interested to become and also scared to try, first i don’t have some programming skills, i graduated from a well known computer school in the country taking up a two years course computer technician unfortunately i didnt get my field job, its not that i havent learned something when im studying but i also scared to apply upon being dumped by some companies i went for applying before, i guess they simply dont trust me coz im just a biginner unlike those with experiences and outstanding records/backgrounds – that day i stoped and just move to other job where i can easily fit in, i become a salesman after that i tried several different kind of jobs too, i become messenger and finally i become a security guard…i completely lost my hope that i could get my chance of going back to the field i studied for…the only computer that i am able to touch now is my own computer in my house, repairing it, upgrading, installing softwares and games…get my internet installed and surfing the net or on my mobile phone in my spare time…thats why i always pray to have someone to trust me coz i am willing to learn new things and want to grow in computer and online based job coz i do believe i can do better than spending my days Guarding a building. And i was at floating status right now and really need of source of income to support my five kids and a wife, just trying my luck out here!
Thank you for reading!
Excess: sorry coz i can’t apply for any jobs stated on online i don’t know any of those position required for the VA, im just a bigginer a totally empty pale…but as i said im willing to learn and to be trained.
If someone wants to become my first boss feel free to send me a message on my
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
Hi, Im newbie here. I just want to ask how to actually use the “Apply” section?? I just want to make sure Im using it the right question seems basic but i hope you get my point. Thanks!
Hi Jules!
The “Apply” section or button will take you to another page, an email page. On this page, this is where you send the employer a message stating your intention of applying for that position, ask question about the job, or answer the questions/provide requirements the employer stated on the job post.
Good day Madame!
Merry Christmas!
When clicking the “apply” button yes it will bring you to a new page, yet the info of the employer are mostly the same as the name is JAMES SULLIVAN is it right?
I’m ready to get started what is my next step
I will work under no supervision
Doing what?
Hi I was so amaze with the va that become a rockstar va. It is so inspiring . i thought of my self becoming one of that VA ROCKSTAR. I applied to several hirings but they definitely have a qualification needs and they look for someone with experience, i was thinking that there’s a lot of applicants that are more qualified for the job because they have more experience but you gave my confidence back. i will not give up until i get a job. Eventhough i have no experience i know i can work on it if i can have an employer that would train me . Thank you
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here. A working mother of two kids. I am willing to step back from my fulltime day job as soon as I can get employer who can hire me for some VA jobs. Aside from us finding it hard to get some help looking after our children, I would like to believe that this time of there age they need full care from a mother rather than a nanny. No offense to working moms (peace).
I applied for several job openings but as of now no response or what so came from my inbox/email. I am not sure if I got all right. Will they be contacting me personally on my email? calling me on my number? Can anyone help. Thanks, highly appreciated.
We have resources here that might be helpful in increasing your chances of getting hired:
Hi Ms. Julia,
My prospect employer said that I will submit my application through the link below and do the recorded interview, they will be sending via Sparkhire after they receive your application. Going on below link, what showed to me is the onlinejobs portal, I have my complete application already at onlinejobs, so what does my prospect employer wanted me to do then?
Kindly help me please, Thanks…
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
I love the online jobs
Hi…! Im ronaldo. Im only a secondary lavel only. Im welling to follows.the. Rules in learn . And also share my capabality and optimize my knowlaged in skills us writer’s or a good .positive and sometimes a speacable answere and. Search and Reading in writing..and graphic artist also with a work experience on a.big campany’s of packedging in printings campanys. In valenzuela.. It is posible hire me here in for the posistion graphic artist or ilustrator.. Logos disgn ang drawing ect..withOut a FineArts certifacate…Ms.julia..?.t be honnest im only undergrad only. About my skills .im sure im capable..i wish your favorable response po.! Here..thank you so much..godbless us all.. Injesusname..Amenn. Thank.!
Dude, work on your spelling and learn how to use punctuations correctly.
I’m very amazing and I’m satisfied with all testimony to their experience in life, I challenge I thankful because I searching for your online job for I try to get a job. I’m Ellen I hard working person in finish 4yrs course graduate the bachelor of science information management, I try to applying the job for support to my family needs, if I have a chance to work in your company that welp help me to acquire to improve my knowledge to share my skill develop those for professional growth career opportunity that will in chance my skills ability trusting and knowledge I do my best and I want to learn more to improve and also including my wisdom thank you very much for this company I hope your kinds of consideration thank you and more power to all God Bless.
How & when can I get started as VA?
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
January 06, 2018 at 5:30 pm
I’m very satisfied and amazed at all testimony to their experience in life, I challenge I thankful because I searching for your online job for I try to get a job. I’m Elena S. Macandog my nickname is ellen I hard working person in finish 4yrs course graduate the bachelor of science information management, I try to applying the job for support to my family needs, if I have a chance to work in your company that welp help me to acquire to improve my knowledge to share my skill develop those for professional growth career opportunity that will in chance my skills ability trusting and knowledge I do my best and I want to learn more to improve and also including my wisdom thank you very much for this company I hope your kinds of consideration thank you and more power to all God Bless.
Sincerely yours.
Elena S. Macandog
HI! have a nice day I am Elena S.Macandog for applicant I want to ask you and follow up if what the result of my application project management sending in your office sir/Mam. thank you and I hope your kinds of consideration pls reply as soon as possible God Bless.
Sincerely yours,
Elena S. Macandog
Hi! I currently added my profile here and may I kindly ask, how do I increase my ID proof? It was hard for me to apply for VA Part-time job. It says that “Your ID Proof is lower than required to apply to this job.”
Awaiting for your kind response. Thanks!
ID Proof is about providing lots of information to help determine your identity. If you only provide a small amount of honest information, then you’ll have a low ID trust score.
Make sure that you have everything filled out…..facebook url, government id, picture, skill descriptions, etc. The more information that you provide, the easier it is for an employer to determine that you are who you say you are. Your ID proof score will be higher too.
After updating your profile, the ID Proof score does not get updated right away, but will be automatically rechecked by the site in a day or so.
I would like to apply
Do you really need to have a Facebook page associated with this? I’ve Been Trying to Apply for a Job however the page that I was trying to apply stated that I have a LOW ID proof… I Honestly don’t know why since I have finished everything, question is how will I increase my ID proof if I don’t have a Facebook? Do you really require that in here?
ID Proof is a way for confirming a person’s identity. But you can increase your ID proof even without a Facebook profile. Please email for information on how to do that.
Hi! I enjoyed reading above emails from many interested job applicants. I see also myself in their shoes. I stopped working last July 2018. Now, I am back to finding an online home-based job as VA.
I am excited to be hired, trusting my previous experience as Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant is my strong foundation to serve my employer professionally.
I am praying to work soon to be able to practice what I learned. I am very open to learn and be trained new procedures.
Filipinos are awesome to work with!
It’s really hard to find work here in online jobs. been applying for 1month now. still didn’t get a job
True, sometime I wonder If the messages I sent through their platform actually works.. because only those who asked to apply using google forms and gmail are the only ones replying to me…