Follow Up On MY QA OFS Experiment – Practical Advice

Remember the episode where I talked about a terrible video uploaded by my OFS? That video kickstarted a significant change within the team. Getting poor work from my team is one of the pitfalls of turning over everything to my OFS team, and I wasn’t sure how to fix that until the terrible video happened. […]

Setting SMART Expectations With Your OFS – Practical Advice

I believe in setting SMART expectations. I don’t only do it for work but also at home, just like my daughter’s race calendar. If you don’t know what SMART means, its S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable R – Realistic T – Time-bound You might have heard something about  SMART goals. I […]

How I Hired a Project Manager for – Practical Advice

I’ve been running and managing for the longest time. It’s been excellent. But we are growing, and lately, I’m starting to see that I need help. I needed an operations manager.  I decided to promote someone from the team and gave the role to my very first VA — the OFS that started it all […]

Should You Hire Filipino Working Students? – Practical Advice

Education is important to Filipinos. They grew up with elders telling them that the only wealth they can give is education; they take that statement seriously. What if a student wants or needs to work to support their education? Should you take a chance on them? First, consider their age. The minimum age requirement for […]

Do You Experience High Turnover Among Your OFS – Practical Advice

Since I started outsourcing in 2005, I have only had about a dozen people leave my team. I recently received a question about turnover. According to the business owner, he’s offering his OFSs: 13th-month bonus, HMO insurance,  higher wage, and even daily huddles. Despite all of these, the business has gone through at least 30 […]

Why You Can’t Find Someone Good in the Philippines – Practical Advice

Once in a while, we receive comments and emails from business owners complaining that outsourcing isn’t working for them. Either they can’t find great people or people are leaving them.  On the other hand, we receive countless emails of thanks because business owners found the perfect OFS for them.  So which is it? Can you […]

The Great Resignation – Practical Advice

I started working from home in 2004. It was then that I discovered that when you take a walk in the middle of the day, the wilderness is all yours.  No one else is out because everyone else is stuck at work! My wife and I spent a lot of time alone in the wilderness in […]