The short answer is: You don’t. You can’t. You can’t trust people, in general. Not everyone in the Philippines is honest. But the reason we go to the Philippines is because there’s a culture of honesty. Most Filipinos are honest. They’re good people who just want to provide for their families. They’re also more likely […]
What Does a Daily Report Look Like From My OFS – Practical Advice
What does a daily report from my OFS look like? For their report, I would ask them to send me an email answering these 3 questions: What did you do today? What problems did you run into? What can I help you with? The answers vary for question number 1. Some give short, bullet point […]
2 Ways OFS Add Value to Your Business – Practical Advice
When you hire a virtual assistant or an online Filipino specialist, you automatically add value to your business. How does it happen? And how can you make the most of it? Below are the 2 ways an OFS (Online Filipino Specialist) adds value to your business. By freeing up my time so I can focus […]
My OFS Resigned After Losing Me $58,000 – Practical Advice
The OFS handling my Facebook ads made a mistake that cost my business $58,000. After that, she immediately sent me a letter of resignation. She’s been a good, reliable, and capable employee for several years now. This was her first big mistake. This isn’t the first time this happened. Another OFS of mine made a […]
Don’t Hire a VA, Hire an OFS! (Online Filipino Specialist)
Six months ago, I started using online Filipino specialists when I talk about my team. Sometimes I still call them my VAs out of habit but I haven’t been comfortable with that term for a long time now. I’ve called my Filipino workers ‘virtual assistants’ for years. But lately, the title doesn’t seem to fit […]
What Can Virtual Assistants Do For You? – Practical Advice
It’s time for another practical outsourcing advice! This is one of the many installments for this series of tips and advice where I share what I know about outsourcing, particularly, outsourcing to the Philippines. So, what can Virtual Assistants do for you? I think a better question is: what can’t a VA do for you? […]
Determining an OFS’ English Skills – Practical Advice
It’s time for another practical outsourcing advice! This is one of the many installments for this series of tips and advice where I share what I know about outsourcing, particularly, outsourcing to the Philippines. Let’s talk about English skills. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot from my OFSs. One of them is a trick […]
Should You Help Your OFS Financially? – Practical Advice
It’s time for another practical outsourcing advice! This is one of the many installments for this series of tips and advice where I share what I know about outsourcing, particularly, outsourcing to the Philippines. Somebody asked me, “How do you judge when to help someone?” This question stemmed from him being asked by his OFS […]
How Do Pay Raises Work? – Practical Advice
Like any other employee, Online Filipino Specialists have money on their minds. Personally, I want to keep my OFSs so I try to keep them happy. I want to avoid losing my loyal OFSs just because they can make more money elsewhere, so I regularly offer them pay raises. So, how do pay raises work […]
Should I Pay Hourly or Salary? – Practical Advice
It’s time for another practical outsourcing advice! This is one of the many installments for this series of tips and advice where I share what I know about outsourcing, particularly, outsourcing to the Philippines. One of the most asked questions in outsourcing is: “Do I pay my OFS (Online Filipino Specialist) hourly, or should I […]