Have you heard of Hofstede’s Power Distance Index?
It refers to the degree of inequality that exists – and is accepted – between people with and without power.
According to the model, in a high PDI country, like the Philippines, with a PDI of 94, team members will not initiate any action, and they like to be guided and directed to complete a task. If a manager doesn’t take charge, they may think that the job isn’t important.
The Power Distance Index is one of the reasons why Online Filipino Specialists may work mindlessly.
Have you ever noticed times your OFS does not point out an obvious mistake on something you asked them to work on?
In the Philippines, less powerful team members accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. They look up to authority and very rarely question instructions.
I had a recent experience of this that is a perfect example.
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About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.
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