Once you’ve hired a virtual assistant and they’ve started working, the next objective is to develop a long-lasting work relationship.
One of the great things about Filipino workers is their loyalty. When trained and managed properly, they will likely stick around for the long haul. How you manage your workers can either build or break that relationship.
So, let’s dive into the best practices for working with your VA to ensure they stay with you for the long run.
The 4 Principles of Managing an Online Filipino Specialist (OFS)
When managing an OFS, it’s important to understand the nuances of working with people in the Philippines.
Filipino culture is unique, and the more you understand their traits, practices, and values, the easier it will be to work with them successfully.
1. You Hired a Human Being
Some people who outsource to the Philippines mistakenly think of their Filipino workers as robots who can be treated as such.
But they’re humans, just like you and me.
This means that when working with your Filipino VA, you need to be kind, respectful, and considerate.
Like anyone else, they have personal challenges and sometimes make mistakes. If productivity declines, don’t be too quick to fire them. Instead, find out if there’s an underlying issue. Showing concern for their well-being and success can go a long way.
Take the time to compliment them when they do something good. Every once in a while, ask about their families or try to remember their birthdays. These simple gestures can work wonders for your relationship. Here are a few other things to keep in mind:
- Don’t berate them.
- Don’t send “yelling” emails.
- Take the blame (at least initially) when something goes wrong.
- Be patient.
- Treat them the way you would like to be treated.
Let me share an example from my own experience:
I was frustrated with a VA whose output had declined over several months.
This person had always been a hard worker, so I was concerned. Instead of firing her, I told her that I needed to see improvements in her work. I also asked if something was happening in her life that was affecting her productivity.
It turned out she was having serious health problems. Not long after our conversation, she spent three days in the hospital. I learned that she had chronic heart failure and needed a heart transplant.
I’m glad I took the time to ask about her situation. If I had simply yelled at her, it would have made things worse. Understanding her struggles allowed us to work through the issue together.
2. You Need to Build Trust with Them.
In this relationship, it’s more important that your Filipino VA trusts you than the other way around.
When your VA trusts you, they’ll be productive and deliver excellent work.
But if they don’t trust you, they may suddenly disappear without warning.
To build trust, focus on:
- Communicating effectively,
- Being responsive, and
- Providing effective training.
These efforts should begin on day one and continue consistently throughout your working relationship.
3. Feedback and Positive Reinforcement Go a Long Way
When you hire a Filipino VA, remember that they’re not going to be perfect. At some point, they’ll get stuck or need your help.
Your VA won’t be able to improve if they don’t know how they’re doing. Positive feedback gives them confidence and builds trust (as mentioned earlier). Constructive criticism helps them make course corrections and adjust their behavior.
On the other hand, no feedback at all gives the impression that you’re disengaged and don’t care.
When giving feedback, I use the sandwich method:
- Start with positive feedback,
- Follow with constructive criticism, and
- End with more praise.
Always acknowledge something good your VA did before pointing out any flaws. For example, saying “Thanks for your hard work on this project” or “I can tell you put a lot of time into this” helps soften the impact of the critique that follows.
Build on the positive, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by its effect on your VA’s performance.
4. Most Filipinos Are Obliging
In general, Filipinos have a strong desire to please others. It’s not in their nature to intentionally disappoint the people around them. Gaining approval and maintaining harmony is important to them.
This positive attitude drives them to work hard and give their best effort. However, this need to please can sometimes have unintended drawbacks.
Because they’re so focused on meeting your expectations, they may disappear if they feel their work isn’t good enough. Rather than coming to you with concerns or questions, they might leave without explanation, assuming the worst.
To prevent this, make it clear from the beginning that you’re available to help and that disappearing isn’t an acceptable option. Reassure them that it’s okay to ask questions and that open communication is encouraged.
Going Beyond the Four Principles
While these four principles lay the foundation for building a strong relationship with your Filipino VA, effective management doesn’t stop there. Other key strategies and practices can help you maximize productivity and ensure long-term success. Let’s explore these additional tips.
Daily Email is Not Optional
Working remotely presents some obvious challenges. You’re not just a few desks apart—you’re on opposite sides of the globe. The best way to prevent miscommunication is through the daily email.
This is an essential part of your VA’s job. Every day, your worker should send you an email that answers these three questions:
- What did you do today?
- What problems did you run into?
- What help can I give you?
The daily email serves several important purposes for both you and your VA:
- It keeps your VA accountable. They’ll know you expect a daily report on what they’ve accomplished, motivating them to be productive and complete your assigned tasks.
- It opens up lines of communication, which is crucial when working with someone on the other side of the world where time zones and cultural differences can come into play.
- It gives you the perfect opportunity to assess your VA’s progress and provide any necessary training.
However, daily email does much more than just ensure your worker is busy and productive. It also relieves you of mundane details that could otherwise weigh you down. The tasks you outsource will no longer occupy your precious time—time better spent focusing on the big-picture strategies that help your business grow.
In short, the daily email helps you focus on what matters most: growing your business and making money.
Communication Is Key
The daily email is just one way to communicate with your VA. You can also reach out through video chat or calls as needed. Other effective communication tools include project management systems like Basecamp and screen capture software like Jing.
Consistent communication is essential for boosting your worker’s confidence and success. Filipinos, in particular, benefit from this type of interaction, as it reassures them that they’re on the right track and makes them feel good about their work.
By communicating frequently and effectively with your VA, you can:
- Clear up confusion,
- Resolve concerns,
- Answer questions, and
- Build a trusting working relationship.
When you communicate, make it a habit to ask questions. Some good questions to ask your VA include:
- Do you understand?
- Do you enjoy your job?
- Do you know how to do this?
- What do you think about this strategy?
If you don’t communicate, your VA’s productivity will likely plummet.
Why? Because if you don’t show interest in communicating, your VA may assume you don’t care about what they’re doing. This leads to a lack of motivation, as they feel there’s no point in working hard or following through on projects.
You don’t need to micromanage your VA, but staying completely out of the way won’t help either. Finding the right balance in communication is key to maintaining productivity and a positive working relationship.
Time to Pay Up
Before you even hire your VA, both of you should clearly understand what the pay rate will be.
For the first two months, pay weekly. After that, switch to monthly payments.
The reason for weekly pay during the first couple of months is simple: Filipinos are often concerned about doing work and not getting paid. If a brand-new VA completes a month’s worth of work without seeing a paycheck, they might assume it’s a scam.
Paying weekly at the start helps you build trust. It shows your VA that you run a legitimate business and that they don’t need to worry about not getting paid. After two months and several paychecks, their doubts should be put to rest. You can then transition to monthly payments. Another option is to pay twice a month, which some employers prefer.
How you pay your VA is up to you, but EasyPay and PayPal are popular options.
I advise starting your new VA at a wage slightly lower than their initial asking rate but increasing it quickly if they perform well. This approach lets you gauge their skills and work ethic while giving them room to grow.
Consider giving annual raises if you’re satisfied with your VA’s work. You can also choose to give more frequent raises if you feel it’s deserved.
I’ve mentioned the 13th month before, but it’s worth repeating. In the Philippines, the 13th month is an annual payout made in December, where workers receive one-twelfth of their annual salary as a bonus. The payout should be prorated if they’ve worked less than a year.
Unlike Filipino companies, you aren’t required to make this payment, but I strongly recommend it. It’s a tradition many Filipino workers look forward to and is a great motivator.
Always make sure to pay on time. Remember, your VA relies on their salary to support their family, and late payments can create serious financial stress. Also, keep an eye on the exchange rate and make necessary adjustments as it fluctuates.
Handle the Good and the Bad
You didn’t hire a perfect person, so be prepared for mistakes and missteps.
If you train your VA the right way, you’ll be amazed by their work ethic and abilities. But, like everyone else, your VA will have good and bad days. How you respond to these ups and downs will greatly impact their performance.
When your VA does excellent work, acknowledge it. Shower them with praise and gratitude. You can even give them a bonus to show your appreciation. When you recognize their hard work, their performance will only improve.
On the flip side, it’s important not to overreact when something goes awry. Instead, try these approaches:
- Assume it’s your fault. Maybe they didn’t fully understand your instructions. Ask them where they got confused and work together on a system to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
- Don’t yell or insult them. Treat your VA the way you’d want your employer to treat you.
- Be patient. Remember, this is a long-term relationship.
- Allow them to correct their mistakes. They likely want to do things right and didn’t mess up intentionally. Chances are, they tried hard to meet your expectations.
- Provide constant feedback—both positive and negative, as needed.
If you see this as a long-term relationship rather than a short-term gig, your attitude, mindset, and outlook will improve. Investing in their success is an investment in your own success. With time and training, your VA will grow to handle all the tasks you need them to do in your business.
Respect the Culture
Working with Filipinos is different from working with people in the U.S. There are distinct cultural differences between the two countries that you must be aware of. If you ignore the customs and traditions of the Philippines, you risk alienating your VA.
Take the time to learn about the Philippines and understand how people act, think, and feel. In many ways, they’re just like you and me. Filipinos grow up watching American TV and, for the most part, understand and speak English fluently. This familiarity with Western culture is why outsourcing to the Philippines is often easier than outsourcing to other countries.
Be mindful of Filipino holidays and respect your VA’s desire to take time off for them. The Philippines has more holidays than many other countries, so it’s important to know which days are observed.
Allow your VA to address you formally like “Sir” or “Ma’am.” It’s a sign of respect rooted in Filipino culture. It reflects their tradition of showing respect to elders, authorities, or people in leadership roles. When I first started outsourcing to the Philippines, I was surprised to be called “Sir.” I didn’t like it initially, but I understood it was a cultural norm, so I got used to it. Accepting this formality helps build trust and strengthens your working relationship.
Time Tracking and Work Time
I don’t use a time-tracking system to monitor my OFS team’s work.
Personally, I don’t like it—and neither do Filipinos. That being said, many employers do use time-tracking systems. If you feel the need to give it a try, consider using TimeProof. Remember that while this approach works for some, it can create a sense of distrust and reduce productivity.
Be flexible when it comes to time off. If your VA gives you prior notice, allow them to take paid time off for vacations and personal matters. This shows respect for their work-life balance and builds trust.
If possible, it’s better to have your VA work during the daytime (nighttime in the U.S.). Working at night is tough—it can affect their health and personal lives. But if you do need VAs to work in your timezone, specify that in your job post. You will find Filipinos who prefer working during that time or experience working nights.
Keep Things Realistic
There’s nothing wrong with challenging your VA and giving them tough assignments. In fact, doing so helps them grow and improve. However, don’t set impossible standards. Avoid creating unreasonable rules and policies. If you do, you’ll set yourself—and your VA—up for failure.
I have a friend who once worked for a boss who required all his workers to be on Skype for morning roll calls. During these calls, everyone had to wave and say “hi.” If they didn’t, they were fired. My friend missed one roll call and was let go.
He struggled with the company’s rigid rules and culture even before this incident. Sharing opinions was discouraged. Employees weren’t allowed to miss work, no matter the reason—not even for sickness or family emergencies. The boss was intolerable, and the environment was so toxic that my friend eventually lost weight from the stress.
Your goal should be to help your VA progress and become a valuable asset to your business for years. So, don’t be that type of boss.
- Set realistic expectations and give them the support they need to succeed.
- Avoid stifling their growth with unnecessary regulations or procedures.
- Be fair and reasonable.
- Create an environment where your VA can thrive.
How Managing Your VA Grows Your Business
To successfully scale up your business, you need a long-term VA who can confidently handle day-to-day business tasks.
The key to achieving this is careful and thoughtful management.
Invest in your VA, and they’ll invest themselves in your business. The more effort you put into managing your VA, the more value you’ll get out of them. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that can help your business grow.

About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.
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. He emphasized that you need to understand a person’s background and culture if you plan on getting your point across. If I ever do business abroad, I will remember what he said and try to act by it. I don’t know enough about China or India to be a 862goodܙ American. If I were to do business over there right now, I would make sure not to be an ugly American, but I think I’d be a bad one, if only because I don’t understand their culture.
Why don’t you recommend Time Proof?
We don’t recommend it for a bunch of reasons.
1. It’s very big-brother like
2. Filipino workers don’t like it. You wouldn’t like it either if screenshots were being taken every few minutes.
3. Filipino workers don’t respond to pressure well. Timeproof adds pressure to them.
4. There are better ways to motivate employees.
5. You can almost always tell if someone isn’t working how they’re supposed to. When someone’s work outputs drop, it’s obvious. Or, when someone does work which you know only takes a couple hours each day, you know how much they’re working (or not working).
Thanks so VERY much. I have been kind and friendly. Understanding typhoons etc. However, work has really gotten lax lately. YES, I did contact them all to make sure that were OK with the last typhoon that went through. I have been having weekly meetings asking the 3 questions you posed. What have you accomplished? What problems did you have? What can I do to support you in getting things handled? Asking these questions DAILY instead of weekly should make the difference.
Should I ask to see what they have done? On one level it seems like a chance to show off their good work. On the other, will they understand? It is proof of what they say. I did have one person quit when they felt I wasn’t trusting them. I don’t know the culture but it seems only rational to ask. Of course, how you ask is important.
What is a typical starting wage per house for a phillipeans worker? I would like to have some work done on my website http://www.jamescolincampbell.com and was wondering what is a good starting hourly wage, and what would be a good hourly wage once they are up and running and have done a good job?
USD or PHP rate is fine.
Hi there it will be my great pleasure if you will allow me to work in your project.I am a dedicacted and hardworking person who believes in honesty and good working relation.
I am education degree major in Filipino
Hi Divine,
Thank you for your comment. You can apply for any of the jobs posted here by signing up for an Onlinejobs.ph jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply, though we only allow Philippine workers on the site -> http://www.onlinejobs.ph/register?el=ojblog