Done-For-You Trainings You Can Hand Off To Your OFS – Practical Advice

I have always believed that training your virtual assistant can do wonders for your business. And I have experienced this firsthand with my Online Filipino Specialists. 

If you don’t know the story, was created because I had a need to find virtual assistants on my own. I wanted to be the one to vet them, and when I found someone I wanted to work with, I wanted to work with them for a long time.

There’s also the issue of salary. When I started, I had to find a VA through an agency. There is nothing really wrong with that, but they find a person for you to work with, and the salary you thought you were giving your VA doesn’t all go to them. They get maybe half if they’re lucky; if not, it’s less.

This is why is created. I wanted to have a job board connecting business owners who need help to Online Filipino Specialists who are fantastic workers.

One of the most used excuses why people don’t want to outsource is that they don’t know or just don’t have time to train people. Yes, you can look for someone who knows what to do so you don’t have to teach them anything, but you still have to train them in the ways of your business, right?

Training your OFS, whether newly hired or already working for you for a long time, has many benefits. Here are some:

  • You build your OFS’s loyalty to you.
  • You help them grow in their career.
  • You make them want to help you succeed.
  • You get tasks done better.
  • Your OFS become more effective in their job.

So, since I am a huge believer in training, I made things easier for you. Over the last few months, we built a library for you, training you can give to your OFS!

I’m so excited to share this with you —

Let’s talk about how this could help you help your OFS in this video

You can also check out how to get started on hiring Rockstar Virtual Assistants.

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About John Jonas

John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of

Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).

With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.

Find John at and Facebook.

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