When you’re considering outsourcing, the first thing that usually comes to mind is who to hire first.
The most common advice you’ll hear about this is that you should first hire someone to do the tasks that you don’t know how to do. Get someone who to fill the gaps in your business.
You can do that. But in my years of outsourcing, I found that the first task that you should outsource is the task that you know how to do. Find someone to do the thing that you’re already doing. That’s how you free up your time.
So my tip number four is who or what should you outsource first.
Hiring someone to do something you know how to do will give you a much better experience. Why? For one, you can pass on jobs that you’ve been doing but don’t really like to someone else. Once they take over that job, you’re free to do anything else.
I talk more about the advantages of hiring that person in this video. It’s a real eye-opener, so don’t miss it.
If you’re interested to know how I’m able to hire the right people almost every time, check out my 7 day challenge. It will change your life. I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process that allows me and my team to find the right Filipino VA. You never have to suffer through hiring the wrong person ever again.
And if you want more tips, check out my new book, Outsourcing Lever. Here I lay down the hows and whys of outsourcing. I will teach you how to manage your virtual assistants so you get great work done by motivated and loyal VAs.

About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.
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