Back in 2006, Danny Coritao was a very problematic Filipino. He was unhappy with his job as an all around designer for a local printing press company. Work was heavy, and pay was barely enough for him, more so, for his family.
Back then, he was living in a small shack that had holes in the roof. The Philippines has only two types of season, rainy, and sunny. So, during the rainy season, he had to deal with a leaky roof, and the rest of the year, it was a hot and barely ventilated house.
Unhappy with his financial situation and with the need to express himself in his first love, the arts, he found a site that held regular design contests. He began joining these contests and usually got the 2nd place. However, because winning is never permanent, he finally lost. And the misery was double because it was already 2010, and he really wanted to resign from his job in the printing press.
Looking for advise and some consoling, he talked to his friends about his dilemma, and that’s when one of his friends, Sonny, told him, “You have huge potential. Why not try looking for work at” That time, there was a bit of apprehension because his first experience wasn’t the best. He was initially scammed three months back, but he reconsidered, and that’s when his life turned around.
The 10 Peso Difference
With ten pesos in his pocket he went to an internet cafe and retrieved his old account. And then, he sent out his applications and wished himself luck.
Luckily for him, he got a reply. He was offered 10,000 Philippine pesos for him to quit his current job and work for a Singaporean company full time. He accepted the offer and that’s when his luck started to change for the better.
The Bold Move to Help Others
Danny admitted this job wasn’t the easiest in the world. He worked very hard and gave it his all. Sometimes, he even fell asleep in front of his computer because he was so tired, but he never complained because he had a goal, and was finally happy with his job.
These efforts were not in vain. Almost a year after he started his work, his boss offered him a 120% increase. Of course, he was happy with the offer. However, he found out that a fellow Filipino virtual assistant who had been working for the same employer for 3 years will not be given any increase at all.
While the offer was difficult to resist, he also felt for his fellow Filipino, and thought that maybe if he left the company, the increase would be dispersed among the team. So he did one bold move. He decided to decline the offer and leave the company so to help his team mates.
What Comes After Giving
After Danny left the company, he found out that his team mates indeed got the increase that he was hoping to be passed on to them, and that made him happy. And because of his talent and hard work, he found another job that gave him a 200% increase from his initial salary.

Of course, one of the perks of working online is being able to spend more time with the kids.
It was a happy ending for everyone.
With this new employer, he was able to harness his talents. He started joining logo design contests again and won first place 6 months in a row!
Continuous Stability and More Giving
There were times when employment didn’t work, and Danny had to find a new client, but because of the work experience, network, and awards he was able to build up, getting work was not that hard anymore. In fact, after years of working online, he was able to buy a motorcycle, and achieve is dream of building himself a house and furnish it with everything that he needed. Moreover, he also started a local T-shirt and Tarpaulin printing business.
Now, there was no doubt that he would be able to support himself and his family, but he still wanted more.

Celebrating Danny’s birthday are the people he helped and trained to become artists and designers like him
He wanted to share the blessings he has received. He has trained a total of 13 people, most were just out of school youth, 1 was a janitor, and the other a dental assistant. Now, they all have better lives, working for clients from
The fulfillment he felt came not only from being able to pull himself from a miserable situation, but also being able to help those who were in need.
“First Thanks be to God, for without him I’m nothing. Next, I’d like to thank my Family. And, if I’m welcome, I’d like to thank, who I consider as my second family. :D” – Danny Coritao, a proud Filipino Designer Virtual Assistant
Danny, from the entire team, we are happy and honored that you consider us family. We consider you the same. And in behalf of John Jonas, Dan Goggins and the entire team, thank you for working hard and and sharing your skills and knowledge with those who need it. We wish you and your family all the best.
Find a Filipino Graphic Designer Virtual Assistant like Danny, who will not only do great work, but will also be a great blessing to his community. also has wordpress experts, php programmers, social media managers, and many other experts looking to work for you.
Danny sent us more photos to share more of his story. Enjoy the photos below!

Here are some of the people Danny has helped. They are now working as Virtual Assistants on Hooray!
Below are photos of the old place Danny used to live in. There is a good number of Filipinos who live in this type of home:
Levelling up a few years later, they moved into this place.
Today Danny now lives in his own home.
About Jessica Madrazo
Jessica creates content and support for She is also involved in different advocacies like climate revolution, local arts, internet freedom, women’s rights and more.
She dreams of a world where people are able to tap their inner heroism and work together for a better world.
She has a Dalek watching over her computer.
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Our stories are almost the same 🙂 way to go Danny!
Cheers OJph
That’s awesome Rambo. Hope you could also share your story with us?
I’m one of his student, informed me about , Thanks Dan!
We’re glad to hear that. Hope you’re also doing well with your online work!
His my co-worker before. He is a good person and a very talented graphic designer. Our story is almost identical. I really inspired of what Danny’s have now.
We agree, he is a great person for deciding to share his knowledge and skills. Pay it forward and inspire others too!
It feels good reading about how your team helps giving people hope and inspiration thru gainful means of employment online. Keep up the good deeds and may your tribe increase! More power!
Thank you Fred! It feels good to help spread the word too!
The combination of hard work, determination, and desire to help others really does wonders to one’s life. I’ve been blessed to find various job opportunities on and it has changed my life. It’s uplifting to read about stories of success about our fellow VAs and see where they all began. It gives us a sense of unspoken camaraderie and community.
Thank you Vaughn. We would also love to hear your story if you’re willing to share it. 🙂
I also want to learn also how to be a virtual assistant. I am currently a working mom and I really wanted to work at home so that I could spent more time with my kids.
Have you already signed up for There are a lot of employers willing to train a new VA.
I am very much inspired by danny’s success story, i am 60 yrs old and also would like to find working at home to sustain my living.Im a hard working mom and i would love to undergo training without pay before hiring me would be okey…. Godbless everyone!
That’s a great outlook Shirley, but employers would be willing to pay for training as long as you show potential. Don’t be afraid to try. Just sign up for and make sure you create a great profile, and be honest about your details. You’ll find a job in no time!
this is an inspiration, I hope I can achieve something in
Danny’s story is very inspiring. He has definitely found a way to make use of God’s gift to him. Reading stories like this makes me more motivated to work hard and become successful in the future. I’m contented in living a normal and sustainable life but if more blessings will come then I would gladly and proudly accept it. I’ve always told my self that “for every good things that comes into my life, I will share it with other people who deserves it.”
I, too have a story to share… even though it’s nothing compared to what Mr. Danny experienced in his life. It’s more of a personal hardship and how I molded myself to become better… and it all started when I created an account in 3 years ago.
I’m an undergraduate(until now). As a teenager, I really lacked the discipline and sense of responsibility which eventually led to my unsuccessful life. It’s really hard to find a decent job in the Philippines if you’re an undergrad. I’ve tried BPO companies but the amount of stress, the inflexible schedules doesn’t compensate the fair salary. Yes, fair salary… since BPO companies pay more compared to Nurses or other jobs in the Philippines. Actually, nurses and call center agents really don’t differ that far from each other. They both are stressful and tiring jobs besides the salary… but I never wanted that path… I know that I have potential but my irresponsibility led me to this demise. I can’t blame anyone but myself. I think I’m not the only one who experiences this kind of situations… we’re human after all.
After two different BPO companies, I stopped… took a break and became stagnant. It took me a few months of rest to realize that I wasted so much resources, opportunity and even lost the trust of my family. I realized that I’ve always been relying on my family to solve the problems I started, to provide me with financial support and to always take care of me but it doesn’t work that way. I’m getting older every second and I had to make a move.
My girlfriend introduced me to find jobs online since she was an Online English Tutor… so to gain a bit of experience, I tried to apply on the same company she’s teaching. They hired me, worked for a few months and eventually thought that it’s not my calling to become a teacher. I’ve always dreamed of becoming an Entrepreneur. And so i searched online for freelancing platforms. The first that came up was Upwork. I tried working there but the fees they are charging on my salary turned me off… so I kept on searching until I found I created an account, listed my previous work experience, rated my skills and submitted the test results. Then I started to look and apply for job postings… and the next day someone messaged me. His name was Jordan, a project manager and entrepreneur. I was older than him by 3 years but he was so intimidating and has the presence of an employer. He hired me and I worked for him for a couple of months(contractual job) and our contract ended. Then I searched for another job, got hired, ended vice versa. All of the jobs I’ve worked on were contractual and I’m thirsty to find that one long term job… but I’ve gained a lot of experience in that I was able to pay back my family for all of the money they wasted on my immaturity and irresponsibility and also encouraged my brother to put up an online store. Our store launched last year july 2016 – and we’re selling Matcha powder in the US. Also, me and my girlfriend will start a local boutique business. And recently, I got hired by an awesome and cool boss that and luckily it’s a long term job!
What I’m trying to say is that, there’s this one thing… one opportunity that can change your life and you have to know and feel what it is so you won’t miss it. For me, is that one thing & opportunity. It really doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor… every person experiences trials and hardships in their life and being able to overcome those hardships really changes a person. is the reason why I found amazing employers who actually taught me life lessons to become a better person. I’m confident enough to say that is the future of Filipino’s who wants to be better and have a better life.
Joseph S.
To God be the Glory. 🙂
God bless Danny, I mean to all of you as well. Who share their blessings and experiences in life. Danny, who really taked a risk to satisfy the needs of his collegues and get appraisals when he left his 120% pay rise job. God really blessed him more than a hundred fold.
Hi,is this site only for a degree holder?coz I’m a high school grad and looking for a job as customer service or cashier.. Hope to find my luck here also same as Danny..thank u
No, you don’t need a degree holder. But having work skills would be helpful
I don’t have experience yet working online. I was employed as secretary, statistician, bookkeeper, claims supervisor at accounts receivable in accounting department, importation assistant, and now doing freelance bookkeeping for single proprietor clients and doing BIR compliance for them. I underwent indepth seminars with SSS on benefits processing, etc. I’ll be a senior citizen this year but my part time income is not enough to suffice my needs. How can I earn based on my experiences with Please help. Thank you
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
gusto ko sana malaman at matuto kung paano po ung VA.. wala pa po akong experience ..
currently po isa po akong security guard.. kahit na sideline na work lang po..
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.