Like me, James Dooley is a big believer that success starts with having the right mindset. And what’s admirable about the guy is unlike most entrepreneurs, he’s not afraid to share so much of what makes him successful.Most people think that success is about winning — that somebody has to lose in order for you to win. They think they won’t be able to enjoy their success unless they can flaunt how much better their life is compared to everybody else’s. These people see everyone around them, including their employees, as competitors instead of partners. So instead of being able to scale up, they’re stunted by their own pessimism.James understands that success isn’t about stepping on other people, it’s about raising everybody up. He values loyalty over greed. He believes that by doing good, you get more in return.
So I can understand why, at such a young age, he’s so successful with outsourcing. His team loves him. They feel valued and appreciated. He shares business opportunities with friends and family. He even mentioned that some of his best friends are virtual assistants.You can see his philosophy in action in his blog post explaining why he uses to delegate tasks. He’s outsourcing because he wants to share his success. And because of that, he’s achieving more than what most people his age only dream of.Want to know what techniques James used to manage his VA team? Check out our outsourcing education page and the Real Outsourcing Results from other successful entrepreneurs.
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You can also learn more about how to get started on hiring Rockstar Virtual Assistants.
About John Jonas
John helps business owners learn to outsourcing to the Philippines and replace themselves with virtual assistants.
He founded and owns
He currently employs 14 amazing Filipino workers full-time and loves every one of them. He lives in Utah, has a wonderful wife, 4 amazing kids, and golfs 4-5 times/week.
Find John at and Facebook.
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