Podcast (The Tech Talks Daily)

Click here for the podcast: https://techblogwriter.libsyn.com/online-jobs Doing things differently isn’t easy. That’s why most people would rather use quick solutions than invest time and resources to building processes that work.  That’s the philosophy most people have with outsourcing and it continues to this day. But the problem with that approach is it doesn’t really get business […]

Outsourcing Case Study with Mariah Seacrest-Comer

“[Outsourcing} just makes sense. If you can do more in your business because someone else is helping you, it’s an easy, easy decision in my book!” By day, Mariah works full-time as the program manager for the Civana Wellness Resort and Spa located near Scottsdale, AZ. But in her freetime, she’s a thriving entrepreneur with […]

Podcast (Work The System)

Click here for the podcast: https://www.workthesystem.com/ditch-upwork-learn-why-filipino-outsourcing-is-good-for-business/ Josh Fonger is a consultant, coach, and speaker. He has personally consulted for business owners from more than 100 industries — from small startup businesses to large enterprises — through his consulting firm, Work the System (WTS) Enterprises. He specializes in helping businesses properly organize and systematize their operations so […]

Podcast with Dr. Glenn Vo

Listen in to our conversation here: https://www.drglennvo.com/uncategorized/episode-6-john-jonas-increase-your-efficiency-with-virtual-assistants/ Anybody with a business can benefit from outsourcing, and any kind of business can benefit from outsourcing. If you want to be the CEO and focus on running your business, you need to delegate and outsource. Dr. Glenn Vo does it all. Not only does he have a successful […]

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant – Step by Step Tutorial Travis Marziani

Travis Marziani is the person behind the Effective Ecommerce YouTube channel, and he has been outsourcing for four years, and needless to say, he knows a thing or two about how to successfully hire a virtual assistant. Travis recently had a trip to the Philippines to meet his virtual assistants.  He hires his virtual assistants […]

Authors Who Lead Podcast

Listen in to our conversation here: https://authorswholead.com/2020/05/22/episode102/ “I want to run my own business.” This was what I told my college roommate. “Don’t you know that small business owners work more than anybody else?” he asked then. “Well, I’m gonna do it differently,” I answered. Looking back, I didn’t really think about what I would do […]

Create Your Ideal Life: FBA Case Study with Thomas Parkinson

“For me, working remotely is very much about opportunity. You have one life, and you get to make that life whatever you want it to be. It’s clay and you sculpt it. And the ability to work remotely is the ability to live your life on your terms, how you want to.”  Backstory: Thomas Parkinson […]