It’s inspiring to see more and more men taking an active role in raising their kids. Unfortunately, for many Filipino families, this isn’t the case.
In our patriarchal society, men are often expected to be the breadwinners. They’re the ones expected to go abroad or find work outside the home. Parenting is seen as a “woman’s” job. Men are not expected to take an active role in raising children.
But many Filipino fathers are now choosing to buck the trend. We’re seeing more women as the breadwinners with the fathers acting as the primary parent. But we all know how hard it can be to support a family on just one person’s salary. So to take care of their kids and still provide for their families, Filipino fathers are now discovering online jobs.
This is Paul’s experience. He had a good salary and management position in the call center industry. Despite his success, he chose to leave because he was losing precious time with his family. He wants to be an involved father but the stress of work often left him exhausted. While his kids were growing up, he’s fast asleep preparing for the next shift. He barely had time to play with his kids or help them with their schoolwork.
He felt helpless about this situation. He wanted to enjoy his kids while they are young but he knew he also needed to provide for them. Despite not having any experience as an online worker, he took the risk and resigned from his position. Armed with a 2nd hand laptop and recently installed internet connection, he started applying for jobs.
It was a huge risk. He didn’t know when he would be able to find work. He was worried whether his income as a virtual assistant would be enough to provide for his family. But Paul was a professional. He quickly rose the ranks in the call center industry because of his skills and he was confident he had the chops to make it.
Thanks to his work experience and his professionalism, the risk paid off. He’s now a team manager with a flexible work schedule. He’s able to spend more time with his family, more time for his hobbies, and still enjoy the career perks he experienced while working in a call center. He became the kind of father his children deserved.
Being the family breadwinner doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice time for your family. Like Paul, you can have a fulfilling career right at home. No need to commute. No need to leave the country. Sign up for a free jobseeker account and finish your profile. Show the world the best Filipinos can do and the most amazing opportunities will come to you.
About Julia Jasmine M. Sta Romana
Julia has been working for since 2012, first as a writer and now as its social media manager and content development specialist. She also founded the Davao Virtual Assistants Association, the biggest VA association in Davao City.
She’s a full-time wife and mom and volunteers her time as an internet rights advocate.
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Applying for part time job
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