How this Marketing Director Drives Business Growth On and Offline

What can make a marketing director OFS quit online work?

Deej Salazar has two businesses that are already profitable enough so that she no longer has to work online. She was able to set these businesses up thanks to her income as a Marketing Director for a Florida-based digital marketing agency. 

Why doesn’t Deej quit, though? The answer is simple: because of loyalty and passion for her craft. Deej actually doesn’t see herself resigning from her job, ever. 

Filipinos are very passionate about a lot of things. For Deej, aside from passion for her work, she is also passionate about good food and forming good habits. They are also the most loyal workers. Once they find that one client they can bond with, they will stay with you through thick and thin. 

And if Deej can successfully make two businesses highly profitable, imagine what her skills have accomplished for her employer. 

Fun fact: Deej and her family have breakfast at 2 in the afternoon. This type of mental shift in time zones is common among online Filipino workers who work with international clients. Their brains adjust to their client’s timezone so that 2 pm is breakfast time, and midnight is lunchtime. So if you’re having second thoughts about hiring in the Philippines due the difference in timezone, this is a non-issue that can be taken off of your checklist. 

There are many other reasons for hiring an OFS, not the least of which is the fact that it frees up your time. Focus more on what makes your business profitable by delegating the grunt work to an efficient OFS. 

Even if you’re a non-profit agency, you can still benefit from hiring an OFS. Read more about How Non-Profits Can Benefit From an OFS then let us know what you think through our socials.   


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