When you started your business, it was all on you. Every task, every little detail depended on you.
When your business starts growing, you will need help. Whether you hire someone locally or outsource, you will have to let go of the tasks you are so used to doing.
In life, letting go is never easy. We tend to hold on and keep something to ourselves even if we are hurting and wringing ourselves dry. This is also true in business; we keep the tasks to ourselves because we think no one can do it better.
For your business’ sake, find it in yourself to let go.
Let go of tasks that could be done by someone else:
- Data entry
- Website management
- Marketing
- Store management
- Social media management
- Content creation
- Research
- Video editing
And a lot more!
You don’t have to spend your precious time doing things you could easily hand off and be done better by someone else.
Ready to start outsourcing? I am so confident that you’ll find your very own Online Filipino Specialist when you follow my recruitment process. Head on to OneVAAway.com to get started.
I also am giving away my book, The Outsourcing Lever. Learn more here.
You can also check out how to get started on hiring Rockstar Virtual Assistants.

About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.
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Hi, I need a job and WFH is what im aiming at.
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