Congratulations! You’re this close to getting an online job. They’ve contacted you and scheduled the interview. Overcome this last hurdle and the job will be yours!
Now, what can you going to do to make sure that you ace this?
- Do your homework
Do your research and learn as much as you can about the company. What do they do? Who are their customers?
Having this information tells you:
- what they’re looking for in an employee and
- what kind of responsibilities you’ll have when hired
When you have this information, you can easily let them know how YOU can be an asset. They’re more likely to hire when they see that you understand how their business works and know what you can do to make it better.
- Address technical issues early on
Bad audio, bad internet, noisy neighbors, or equipment breakdown can ruin what could be a good job interview. If you think you’ll run into these problems, prepare for them.
- Find a space where you can be interviewed without distractions. Tell your housemates to keep the noise down during that time.
- Get a back up ISP to prevent connection problems.
- Make sure your laptop and headphones are in good working condition.
Run a few test runs to make sure your interview will go on without a hitch. Even better would be to …
- Set up with mock interviews
If the thought of an interview really scares you, practice ahead of time with mock interviews.
You can do this by asking a friend or family member to pretend that they’re the employer and ask you commonly used interview questions. You can even set it up on Skype to add a touch of realism. This helps you prepare your answers to possibly tough questions and has the added benefit of letting you test your internet connection and laptop before the real thing.
- Dress for success
Sometimes, you have to put yourself in the right frame of mind to perform well. So even if the interview is just an audio call or it’s a video interview and they can’t see under your desk, dress like you’re going to a normal job interview.
Pay attention to your grooming and put on your best business casual attire. Put on shoes if it helps. Dressing the part can help you present yourself as a professional. When you feel the part, this will come across on how you talk and act during the interview.
- Show up
One of the complaints we get from employers here at is that sometimes applicants don’t show up for interviews.
Interviews are actually the easiest part of the application process. If you’re prepared, one of 3 things could happen:
- You get the job
- You don’t get a job but you will be remembered. If the interview went well they could call you again in the future. Or they could refer you to another business that needs you skills.
- You don’t get the job. But you will be better prepared the next time you have a job interview.
If you’re nervous, it’s understandable. Employers won’t take it against you if you’re nervous during the interview. What would piss them off is being stood up. If you don’t show up it gives the impression that you’re unreliable, that you can’t be trusted.
So even if you’re anxious, show up. You can be honest about it. The people interviewing you will understand because it’s completely normal. As long as you focus and answer honestly, you’ll be fine.
If your reason for not showing up is due to a scheduling conflict, inform the client and ask to reschedule. It’s so much better than not showing up. By informing them ahead of time, there’s still a chance you could be hired. If you just leave them hanging, they’ll definitely remove you from the shortlist.
Last but not the least, if the reason you don’t want to show up is because you found another job, have the courtesy of informing them to cancel. Don’t burn bridges. You’ll never know, you might encounter the same people in the future.
About Julia Jasmine M. Sta Romana
Julia has been working for since 2012, first as a writer and now as its social media manager and content development specialist. She also founded the Davao Virtual Assistants Association, the biggest VA association in Davao City.
She’s a full-time wife and mom and volunteers her time as an internet rights advocate.
Hi! I am committed to work in online job kindly notice me.
I am a total newbie. I applied for content writer and an employer message me and require me to submit example of my work article. How can I send my paper/article. Through email?
Please help me.
Hi Rosalinda,
If they’re asking for a sample, you can place your article on a google doc or any drive and send the article link there. Goodluck on your job hunt!
I’m a data entry newbie and have no work experience. Ever. What should I do? Is it bad to say to the clients that I have no work experience?
Wow as a business owner, getting ready to hire VA’s, this is very helpful blog to read. Problems in technology will continue to arise, but refusing or assuming that’s the reason for not showing up, will not do good for either party.
Having appropriate email address is extremely important. I had a guy I got application from, but my major decision automatically for no-hire was the name he used as an email address. It was extremely inappropriate.
I didn’t hire him, but encouraged him to change it. In less than 24 hours he did.
Hi iam looking for experience being a VA. Willing to work for free just to experience the job first. If anyone can take me under their wing, it will be much appreciated.
I’m a data entry newbie. How will i be able to work with my first job by sending it for approval? I have no experience yet. What format should i use?
Your employer would provide you with instructions on how to send and what format to use. Most likely through email.
I’m applying for work here, but I haven’t received any reply yet from employers 🙁
Hi! Do all jobs on has an interview?
Hi Christian,
Thank you for your comment. Yes, employers do initial interviews before hiring a worker
hi help mee I need a extra income ..
Hi lloydgin,
For the latest job openings, just check out our database:
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