Comprehensive Guide to
Virtual Assistant Salaries in the Philippines
How Much Does the Average Virtual Assistant Earn?
It depends on what you want to look at. There’s the salary of VAs that are hired locally and there are those that are hired through platforms like ours.
Average Local Salary
Below is a table showing the average LOCAL salaries of the most common Filipino workers that are also in our database, taken from
These salaries are self-reported and local, so if you can’t find the salary for the kind of worker you’re looking for, it means that they didn’t report their salary here.
But that doesn’t mean these are the only kinds of workers you’ll find in the Philippines. You’ll find so much when you browse through our database.
Resume Type | Low USD | Median USD | High USD |
Virtual Assistant | $492.61 | $626.96 | $895.66 |
Amazon Store Manager | $761.31 | $940.44 | $1,119.57 |
Facebook Marketing | $671.74 | $671.74 | $671.74 |
Copywriter | $447.83 | $559.79 | $832.96 |
WordPress Developer | $537.40 | $635.92 | $1,119.57 |
Sales Representative | $447.83 | $537.40 | $806.09 |
Lead Generation | $492.61 | $537.40 | $806.09 |
Webmaster | $519.48 | $626.96 | $904.88 |
SEO | $542.77 | $671.74 | $985.22 |
Marketing | $492.61 | $626.96 | $985.22 |
Pay-per-Click (PPC) | $582.18 | $806.09 | $1,085.99 |
Graphic Design | $626.96 | $644.87 | $1,253.92 |
Shopify Developer | $615.77 | $806.09 | $998.66 |
Ecommerce | $492.61 | $626.96 | $850.88 |
Social Media Marketing | $537.40 | $626.96 | $895.66 |
Video Editor | $403.05 | $626.96 | $895.66 |
Customer Service | $403.05 | $460.85 | $626.96 |
Researcher | $403.05 | $447.83 | $660.55 |
PHP Developer | $600.09 | $788.18 | $1,216.75 |
Data Entry | $474.70 | $626.96 | $1,074.79 |
Google Adwords | $537.40 | $886.70 | $1,236.01 |
Accountant | $501.86 | $651.04 | $1,074.79 |
Real Estate Virtual Assistant | $447.83 | $582.18 | $706.67 |
Web Developer | $626.96 | $761.31 | $1,187.20 |
Magento Developer | $940.44 | $985.22 | $1,236.01 |
IOS Developer | $850.88 | $940.44 | $1,343.49 |
Content Writer | $485.90 | $582.18 | $806.09 |
Project Manager | $626.96 | $850.88 | $1,164.36 |
Web Designer | $515.00 | $671.74 | $940.44 |
Photoshop Editor | $385.13 | $394.09 | $604.57 |
Desired Average Salary Based On Jobseeker Profiles
Shown below are the salary ranges taken from our jobseeker profiles. We gathered them from their stated salary expectations and neatly categorized them into beginner, intermediate, and expert Virtual Assistants based on their skills.
These rates are based on the salaries set by jobseekers and are negotiable.
We also provided hourly rates if you want to hire someone part-time or by the hour.
The monthly rate is set for full-time workers (40 hours per week for 1 month).
Beginner ![]() |
Intermediate | Expert ![]() |
Virtual Assistant | $3.00 - $4.99 | $4.48 - $7.54 | $7.29++ |
Amazon Store Manager | $3.00 - $4.99 | $4.00 - $5.00 | $4.34++ |
Facebook Marketing | $3.00 - $6.86 | $6.39 - $12.01 | $11.54++ |
Copywriter | $3.31 - $8.58 | $8.05 - $14.37 | $13.84++ |
WordPress Developer | $3.31 - $6.91 | $6.55 - $10.87 | $10.51++ |
Sales Representative | $3.00 - $5.38 | $5.06 - $8.87 | $8.56++ |
Lead Generation | $3.00 - $5.01 | $4.73 - $8.09 | $7.81++ |
Webmaster | $3.00 - $5.22 | $4.92 - $8.53 | $8.23++ |
SEO | $3.00 - $6.49 | $6.06 - $11.20 | $10.77++ |
Marketing | $3.31 - $6.56 | $6.23 - $10.13 | $9.81++ |
Infusionsoft | $3.27 - $6.90 | $6.54 - $10.90 | $10.53++ |
Pay-per-Click (PPC) | $4.42 - $10.12 | $9.55 - $16.40 | $15.83++ |
Graphic Design | $3.00 - $6.03 | $5.64 - $10.23 | $9.85++ |
Shopify Developer | $3.00 - $5.36 | $5.05 - $8.83 | $8.51++ |
Ebay Listing | $3.00 - $4.28 | $4.03 - $7.04 | $6.79++ |
Ecommerce | $3.00 - $5.69 | $5.34 - $9.51 | $9.17++ |
Social Media Marketing | $3.00 - $5.61 | $5.26 - $9.38 | $9.03++ |
Video Editor | $3.00 - $6.11 | $5.72 - $10.40 | $10.01++ |
Customer Service | $3.00 - $5.41 | $5.14 - $8.36 | $8.09++ |
Researcher | $3.00 - $4.64 | $4.36 - $7.81 | $7.52++ |
PHP Developer | $4.08 - $8.43 | $8.00 - $13.22 | $12.79++ |
Data Entry | $3.00 - $4.22 | $4.01 - $6.46 | $6.25++ |
Google Adwords | $3.31 - $9.53 | $8.91 - $16.37 | $15.75++ |
Accountant | $3.00 - $6.87 | $6.46 - $11.43 | $11.02++ |
Real Estate Virtual Assistant | $3.00 - $6.52 | $6.14 - $10.69 | $10.31++ |
Web Developer | $3.31 - $6.92 | $6.56 - $10.89 | $10.53++ |
Magento Developer | $3.00 - $7.01 | $6.58 - $11.82 | $11.38++ |
IOS Developer | $3.00 - $8.99 | $8.31 - $16.45 | $15.77++ |
Content Writer | $3.00 - $5.97 | $5.59 - $10.10 | $9.73++ |
Project Manager | $3.31 - $7.91 | $7.45 - $12.97 | $12.51++ |
Web Designer | $3.00 - $6.33 | $5.96 - $10.38 | $10.01++ |
Photoshop Editor | $3.31 - $4.93 | $4.77 - $6.72 | $6.56++ |
Beginner ![]() |
Intermediate | Expert ![]() |
Virtual Assistant | $348.56 - $718.24 | $693.04 - $1,167.46 | $1,049.23++ |
Amazon Store Manager | $303.80 - $468.21 | $452.99 - $692.41 | $625.55++ |
Facebook Marketing | $348.56 - $987.54 | $989.17 - $1,858.41 | $1,661.37++ |
Copywriter | $529.89 - $1,235.03 | $1,246.16 - $2,224.15 | $1,993.17++ |
WordPress Developer | $529.89 - $995.43 | $1,014.35 - $1,683.25 | $1,513.96++ |
Sales Representative | $353.26 - $775.02 | $784.01 - $1,373.66 | $1,232.11++ |
Lead Generation | $353.26 - $721.21 | $731.95 - $1,252.18 | $1,124.49++ |
Webmaster | $353.26 - $751.78 | $761.52 - $1,321.18 | $1,185.62++ |
SEO | $353.26 - $934.38 | $938.19 - $1,733.40 | $1,550.82++ |
Marketing | $529.89 - $944.51 | $965.08 - $1,568.30 | $1,412.12++ |
Infusionsoft | $522.83 - $993.76 | $1,012.04 - $1,686.99 | $1,516.97++ |
Pay-per-Click | $706.52 - $1,457.44 | $1,478.43 - $2,538.25 | $2,279.01++ |
Graphic Design | $353.26 - $867.83 | $873.81 - $1,583.18 | $1,417.73++ |
Shopify Developer | $353.26 - $771.92 | $781.01 - $1,366.65 | $1,225.90++ |
Ebay Listing | $282.61 - $615.77 | $623.10 - $1,089.34 | $977.19++ |
Ecommerce | $353.26 - $818.88 | $826.44 - $1,472.65 | $1,319.81++ |
Social Media Marketing | $348.56 - $807.19 | $814.68 - $1,451.28 | $1,300.68++ |
Video Editor | $353.26 - $879.72 | $885.30 - $1,610.00 | $1,441.49++ |
Customer Service | $435.68 - $778.64 | $795.49 - $1,294.11 | $1,165.18++ |
Researcher | $282.61 - $668.83 | $674.44 - $1,209.12 | $1,083.31++ |
PHP Developer | $653.53 - $1,214.61 | $1,238.37 - $2,046.47 | $1,841.05++ |
Data Entry | $348.56 - $607.02 | $621.01 - $999.38 | $900.32++ |
Google Adwords | $529.89 - $1,372.59 | $1,379.24 - $2,534.68 | $2,268.27++ |
Accountant | $435.68 - $989.41 | $999.41 - $1,769.93 | $1,586.71++ |
Real Estate Virtual Assistant | $435.68 - $938.23 | $949.89 - $1,654.38 | $1,484.35++ |
Web Developer | $529.89 - $996.84 | $1,015.71 - $1,686.43 | $1,516.78++ |
Magento Developer | $423.91 - $1,010.13 | $1,018.32 - $1,829.23 | $1,638.75++ |
IOS Developer | $353.26 - $1,294.59 | $1,286.70 - $2,546.59 | $2,271.25++ |
Content Writer | $353.26 - $859.41 | $865.66 - $1,564.17 | $1,400.90++ |
Project Manager | $529.89 - $1,139.15 | $1,153.40 - $2,007.70 | $1,801.40++ |
Web Designer | $423.91 - $911.76 | $923.15 - $1,607.16 | $1,442.01++ |
Photoshop Editor | $529.89 - $710.59 | $738.77 - $1,040.23 | $944.28++ |
Take note that beginners have NO EXPERIENCE up to 1 year experience. You need to assume they don’t know anything, and you’d have to start from scratch. That means you would have to train them.
We are making it easier for you. Give them training from
Intermediate workers have 1 to 5 years of experience. The expert workers have over 5 years of experience.
Note that these figures do not include banking or exchange rate fees, which can vary depending on your payment method.
How do I pay my virtual assistant?
Paying people is the easiest part of working with a virtual assistant.
There are so many options. You can pay through
- Paypal
- Western Union, or
- our favorite, Easypay at (
You can use whatever works for you; no need to worry about things on the virtual assistant side. Any of these services will take care of that for you.
You can also read more about paying your virtual assistant.
How old and experienced are these virtual assistants?
This chart shows the type of workers we have on our database, which gives us a general idea of who’s available for hire and how much you can offer as a starting salary.
When hiring a Filipino worker, you’ll have the best chance of hiring someone inexperienced to someone with intermediate skills. So the starting salary you should offer would be in the beginner and intermediate range.
If you’re looking for highly skilled and experienced workers (who tend to skew older), they’re more likely to be already working. The starting salary would have to be in the expert range to entice them to work for you.
How much of a raise should I give my Filipino VA?
It depends on what you can afford, your Filipino VA’s job performance, and your agreement with them (if any).
For example, once a year, we give a $25-$100 raise per month, equivalent to $0.25 – $1 raise per hour. My team doesn’t know how much they will get, but they know that the raise depends on their workout for the year.
But we recommend that you give your VA a raise if they have been working for you for at least a year. You can give a raise sooner if you can afford it and if they’re doing really well.
To make it easier for you to formulate a rating of your own for your future VA’s, or if a raise is long overdue, we also have a chart on the cost of living in the Philippines. This includes the utilities that they need to fully function in the virtual assistant world.

The minimum is one round-trip jeepney ride. Most people usually take a jeepney ride and a tricycle, bus, or MRT ride. Some take more than two rides to get to the office.

Water, electricity and internet

Groceries for 1 person
$254 – $1,083

Water, electricity and internet

Groceries for 1 person

Computers and laptops are replaced every 3 years

Laptops are more expensive in the Philippines due to customs duties
$237 – $981
Again, the chart only includes the basic utilities. Please keep in mind that there are other costs one requires in order to live, like clothes, mobile devices, and anything that allows them to go about their actual lives.
How often should I pay my Filipino VA?
With new hires, we strongly recommend that you pay weekly, at least for the first couple of months. This helps establish trust and helps your VA get on their feet.
After that, you can pay them twice a month or monthly, depending on your arrangement with them.