So, something crazy happened to me the other day.
I was walking into our local Albertson’s store to pick up a last-minute gallon of milk before heading home. I stopped at a card table set up just outside the entrance, where a young man was selling his “art” to passersby.
The young man was in a wheelchair and obviously severely disabled. His mother, who was helping him sell his artwork, had apparently seen hard times. In fact (judging by their appearances), they were in the trenches of “hard times.” I took what cash I had out of my wallet, bought a few pieces of “art,” thanked them, and continued on my way. I almost forgot my milk.
Then I got into my SUV, and I cried.
Freakin’ cried.
And as I was sitting there, desperate to do something more to help this family, I became overwhelmed thinking about the needs in my hometown…and then I started thinking about the needs of families all over the world. There is nothing like sitting in the Albertson’s parking lot, crying like a baby, wanting to save the world, and not knowing where to start.
Now, I don’t know how many of you have embarrassed yourself in front of your kids like I did (they were with me, and couldn’t seem to understand what made me cry). But I would guess that each of you, at some point or another, has felt that urge to help someone in need.
The need to help others unifies us. It’s part of what makes us human. And for most of us, it never goes away.
But there are SO many roadblocks to any form of philanthropy, especially for a small business owner! The desire is always there, but it’s overwhelmed by thoughts of:
- “I’m running a business and I don’t have time to help, but I will one day.”
- “I can barely handle the stress of my own business and family, how do I manage humanitarian work too?”
- “I want to help, but I have no idea where to start or how to begin?!”
- “I’m running a small business and funds are tight, I want to help, but how can I afford to give money away?”
I’ll let you in on a secret. To make a difference:
You DON’T have to travel to Africa to dig wells.
You DON’T have to sell your time and soul to a non-profit.
You DON’T have to give away thousand-dollar tips at the Waffle House
And you DON’T have to be Gandhi!
You only have to go as far as your computer.
When you hire Filipino workers with, you are changing people’s lives!
You’re supporting hard workers in a third-world country. That’s right. The Philippines is a third-world country. And you’re not just giving your money away to a foundation that “supposedly” builds churches and orphanages. You are supporting a hard-working mother or father as they continue to develop skills and provide for their families.
That’s right. You’re not paying a snot-nosed, entitled kid who’s still on his parents’ insurance and cell phone plan. The money you pay Filipino VAs goes toward the basic needs of life for their families, not the latest “Call of Duty” game or a $200 pair of Nikes. When you employ with, you’re keeping the lights on, putting food on the table and funding basic shelter needs. That’s noble. And there are hundreds of outsourcing entrepreneurs who agree. Rebekah Campbell, creator of and NY Times boss-blogger shares some great insight on helping families through outsourcing to the Philippines.
When you outsource to the Philippines, you’re also giving opportunities to those who would otherwise have zero. Free enterprise, capitalism, and room for growth are all things we take for granted in developed countries like the US. It’s easy to forget that almost half the world (over 3 billion people) live on LESS than $2.50 a day! AND they’re working exhausting jobs with no opportunities for raises or advancements. You are changing that. You’re not only giving them opportunities to work from the comfort of their homes but opportunities to grow with you and your business. There are some naysayers who would claim that small-business outsourcing is exploitation. I would venture to say they’ve never experienced it first hand or witnessed the possible influence for good it has in virtual workers’ lives.
There are some naysayers who would claim that small-business outsourcing is exploitation. I would venture to say they’ve never experienced it first hand or witnessed the opportunities it opens to virtual workers. Yaro Starak, a successful businessman and veteran outsourcer, shares interesting introspection on outsourcing to the Philippines and the idea of “fair pay for fair work.” Did you know that $450 a month is considered a comfortable living in some countries? In some cases, it’s more than three times the national average pay! Your employment of Filipino virtual workers gives them financial opportunities that wouldn’t be available otherwise.
You are also literally perpetuating ‘global education’ when you hire with As you train and work with your VAs, they’re developing skills for a competitive business world. And formal education is extremely important in the Philippines (which is part of what makes it so great for outsourcing). Chances are, the Filipinos you employ either have a college-level education or they’re current students. Your paychecks can help pay for their educations. And like any good parent, they are probably setting aside a portion of your payments to go toward their kids’ education funds. You should feel good about that.
You’re making a difference for families. Many jobs in the Philippines require grueling hours and long commutes. Thousands of employed Filipinos and current job seekers on are young mothers. When you employ them, they can quit the tedious commute and awful hours. You make it possible for them to be home with their children while they work for you from their computers.
When you employ Filipino workers through, you are feeding children, helping to fund housing, contributing toward further education for your employees and their children, the list goes on…
We’ve recently compiled some testimonials from Filipino workers who were hired through, and their gratitude and enthusiasm were overwhelming!
“Thank you I’ve been working since 2014. Your site is such a big help (financially) especially in coping up needs for my two kids.I found the best employer here..”
“OnlineJobs opened doors for me. I am now in my third year of online writing. Thanks!”
“OnlineJobs made it possible for me to breathe easy… and to set aside a little more for the future, all while paying for the necessities of life for my [family]. I can’t imagine how hard life would be without this brilliant opportunity, and I couldn’t thank OnlineJobs more for the great chances that have come my way since I found the site.”
“When I decided to quit office work 7 years ago because I became a mom and decided to do it full time, I didnt imagine that getting back to work would still be possible. But that is the avenue that gave to me. That I can still pursue work and be a career person and a mother all at the same time. Now I am a fulltime Referral Coordinator for a Real estate company at night and a fulltime mother in the morning. Sounds tough? Yes it is..but all the sleepless days and nights are all worth it.. With onlinejobs,ph …, yes its possible”
Ruby Grace
Thanks been with you since 2010 & counting. It’s indeed a very big help. ?”
“Through I not only found a way to better myself, but I also found a way to augment my income. Which is just amazing.”
“When I was placed in a nightshift, I never got to spend much time with my family. I would go to sleep the moment I arrived home from my shift. That’s when I found… I have been working at home ever since. The good thing is that I can always manage my working hours and spend time with my family as well. My employers have been really nice, accomodating, helpful and fun to work with. As for the salary, I was able to earn my 1 month pay as a call center agent in less than 2 weeks! I’ve never been this happy working before, and I’m forever grateful to for opening a portal to endless opportunities. More power!”
YOU can make a difference for a handful of people.
And when you employ those people through, they’ll make life easier and more profitable for you too. And you’ll never be caught crying like a baby, feeling helpless in an Albertson’s parking lot.
Because you ARE doing your part to make a difference.
About Shelane
Shelane Tuttle is a full-time mother and part-time writer. She loves music and reading, is a terrible cook, and thrives on learning/teaching others about new things, like outsourcing.
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I need an extra income.Please help me to have an on line job.thanks!
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
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You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
How to apply for Onlinejobs. I am 52.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
Thank you Shelane. This article made me cry too. I am a freelancer too from the Philippines and I am amazed how big of a heart you have through your writing. God bless you!
How would I know If my application was declined or not?
Thank you.
Employers usually reply within 2 weeks to let you know whether you have been shortlisted or hired. If you don’t hear from them in 2 weeks, it would be safe to assume they found someone else and you can start looking at other job openings.
I retired as an office-based employee and started to work home-based last July 2015 and was hired via It was my first time experience and very timely as solution for my nanny problems. Now, I got a new work and again it was through Onlinejobs. I’m very happy because the jobs here are stable unlike the ones I tried in Upwork which are mostly one-time projects or short term basis. Being a single mom, I get to take care of my son in full-time while working. Recommended for anyone who wishes to work at home specially for single moms. Its rewarding! Thank you!
That’s great Amani! Glad we’ve been able to help.Maybe I can also interest you in joining our ambassador program for more perks?
definitely! checking out the link right now. thank you!
I signed up to join to your ambassador program. I believe once I’m in you will notify me through email right? TIA 🙂
How are you getting paid ?
How to apply?
Applying here in is the same as applying a job in real life. Make sure your profile/application is attractive enough to convince employers to contact and hire you.
You can apply for any of the jobs posted here or on our website by signing up for an jobseeker account. It’s completely free and takes only minutes to apply. Having a jobseeker account also gives you access to thousands of new online jobs daily.
To start the registration process, just follow this link ===>
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can start searching for the job that you want here ===>
You can find a wide variety of full-time, part-time and project-based jobs there, from data entry, design, writing, programming, and more!
The job posts would contain all the information you need to apply for that position.
I was a Debt Collector and a Sales Executive almost half of my life, and early this year I decided to pursue online work. (I heared from my colleagues) It took me 3 months to land a job and nearly to lose my hope to get one. But God moves in mysterious ways, the least I expected to get hired that’s when my application was noticed;) I was hired by an awesome client. I thanked for creating this site and hopefully it would help more Filipino people to get their dream job. More power to the creator of and more clients to come!!! God bless us all…
Glad we’ve been able to help.Maybe I can also interest you in joining our ambassador program for more perks?
It’s hard to find a regular job here in the Philippines competition is steep There is a job discrimination like age, education background etc. But here in there is none. I had been working with different awesome clients here since 2011 till now. I learned my skills from working with those awesome clients. Thank you so much God bless us.
That’s great Giovanni! Glad we’ve been able to help.Maybe I can also interest you in joining our ambassador program for more perks?