Podcast (Screw the Commute)

882 Do outsourcing the right way Tom interviews John Jonas Feature Podcast Link: https://screwthecommute.com/episodes/667-do-outsourcing-the-right-way-tom-interviews-john-jonas/ Tom Antion has never had a job. He’s always had small businesses – Tom has been entrepreneurial since he was nine or ten. In fact, before even graduating from college, he already owned four apartment buildings and a hotel! If you are willing to do the work, Tom will teach you the proven techniques to maximize your online presence and sales and minimize your expenses. People call him “The OG” of online marketing because he’s been selling on the Internet since 1994.  Tom has a podcast called “Screw the Commute”, an entrepreneurial podcast based on the fact that he’s never had a job.  Tom knows all about OnlineJobs.ph and has even undergone a course I had before. He also has Online Filipino Specialists working on his business! We got together and talked about outsourcing, what employers can do for their OFS, and a lot more. Here are some of the things we talked about. There is a lot of value in Tom and I’s conversation, don’t skip listening to it: If you want to know more about finding people online to help your business grow, check out OneVAAway.com and VAsMadeEasy.com. Everything you need to know about outsourcing is there. Check out Onlinejobs.ph for yourself. Sign up for an account today and experience what hassle-free outsourcing is really like. We have over two million jobseeker profiles and growing! Check out and learn how to get started on hiring Rockstar Virtual Assistants as well.
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About John Jonas

John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.

Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).

With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.

Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.

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