I live on intuition. I listen to my gut. Everything I do during my work day is what feels right in that moment.
Meet Entrepreneur Catherine Moolenschot, a radiant and bubbly 22 year-old with incredible confidence and a zeal for “greatness.” She’s positively contagious.
Catherine wrote and published her first work of fiction, “A Rough Road” (available on amazon) at age 13; she is currently working hard on her third novel. Though she currently lives in Australia, Catherine spent the first few years of her life in Cape Town, South Africa. At age 15, she enjoyed an exchange program in Holland, where she learned to speak Dutch.
Catherine began attending personal development seminars at age 16 and found her place among others who “wanted to be their ‘best selves’ too.” That’s when she discovered the idea of the “funnel of greatness,” which she spoke about in a TEDx talk at age 17. She’s traveled through various parts of South Africa, Asia, Australia, Holland, England and The United States, and fulfilled public speaking engagements in many of those places.
As she describes her trademark concept of the “funnel of greatness,” it’s easy to understand how she’s accomplished so much so early in life. In order to “funnel greatness,” one must remove all mediocrity from life, living each moment to it’s fullest and eliminating any source of the mundane. If you have a the privilege of conversing with the intentional and enthusiastic young Catherine, it’s obvious she practices what she preaches. She is practically bursting with conviction.
Catherine has also been an intuitive entrepreneur from a very young age.
“When I was 8 or 9, I told my dad, “Dad, I’m never [working] a nine to five job.” He laughed. I saw adults around me who were always unhappy with their nine to five jobs… I had a nine to five for two months and it killed me. I couldn’t sit still, and I couldn’t follow my intuition. It was hard to listen to a boss and go against my gut feeling.
Living within someone else’s constraints of where I should be at a certain time and what I should be doing doesn’t leave space for the magic or the spontaneous encounters or experiences with the people I love. It’s not everyone’s truth, but that’s my truth.”
As an alternative to the banal nine to five job, Catherine identified her passion, “the creativity of words, stories, and writing,” and turned it into a source of income.
She created a booming and unique “book-mentoring” business, www.inspiregreatness.com.au. Her service offers much more than proofreading.
She personally offers her clients an incredibly hands-on experience, coaching them through what she calls a “book crafting” process. She begins by coaching them through “unpacking their book” ideas and “creating a “roadmap” of direction for their publications. She describes it as “holding [client’s’] hands” from the beginning of their initial idea for a book, to the completion of their first draft, to the best possible end product.
She emphasizes how important it is honor each individual’s uniqueness in their writing.
“Every client I work with is unique and every book they write is unique, and that is so important to me.”
Catherine doesn’t use cookie cutter models while mentoring clients through the book-crafting process. Her services are also not limited to the technical aspects of writing, she helps clients turn out interesting, engaging stories that are beneficial to individuals and society.

Catherine during her talk on TedX Melbroune
The process is intensive and demanding of her personal time and brain-power, but very rewarding.
I love doing all of the work, but I must say that my favorite part is when a client prints out a book for themselves for the first time… and they hold it in their hands and then they look up to me and they’re like, “Oh my gosh, Catherine, I’ve written a book!”
Last year, she decided to expand her business and hire help. The cost of wages is high in Australia, higher than her business could then support. So she began exploring the idea of outsourcing to the Philippines.
It made sense to Catherine to outsource marketing for her business so she could focus on her strength and passion: coaching others through “the craft” of creating a book.
A mentor steered her in the direction of OnlineJobs.ph. She created a job posting and patiently waited for responses.
After sifting through 35 applicants and conducting several skype interviews, she hired and now works closely with a Filipino virtual worker whom she describes as a “perfect match.” She plans to “potentially be hiring another one soon.”
For Catherine, outsourcing to the Philippines means she can focus her time on her individual clients, doing exactly what she loves. When we asked about what else brings her fulfillment (aside from her successful business), Catherine responded:
I live on intuition. I listen to my gut. Everything I do during my work day is what feels right in that moment. That is what brings me fulfillment. What’s the most important thing? It what I need to do today, what feels right today and doing it to the best of my ability. Working hard and loving it, it doesn’t really feel like work. That’s where I get fulfillment.
Later in the interview, she went on to add:
“I grew up in Cape Town South Africa… It’s made me realize how much outsourcing is helping… providing employment opportunities to people where there wouldn’t be otherwise… I do not have the capacity in my business right now to employ an Australian. I can’t afford what that salary would be. But I can afford someone in the Philippines. And they’re awesome, they’re highly educated, [their] English is really good…. I get access to being able to pay someone to help me build my vision and to provide him with work he enjoys and finds interesting…and what I can afford to pay him is enough to sustain him where he lives and is really a good salary… I love that I have the ability to employ people over in another country.”
Catherine’s been outsourcing now for just over 8 months. To her friends and business associates, she advises:
“Use OnlineJobs.ph. I found it to be a business mentor recommended it to me i’m so grateful for that recommendation and it’s the advice I’d give to any entrepreneur and I have! I’ve given the advice to several of my friends.”
You can keep up with the enthusiastic Catherine by visiting her website, http://inspiregreatness.com.au. To learn more about hiring Filipino virtual workers to help expand your business, visit www.OnlineJobs.ph
Did this story pique your interest? Then you have to read how outsourcing made everything better for Brad, James, and Dennis.
About Shelane
Shelane Tuttle is a full-time mother and part-time writer. She loves music and reading, is a terrible cook, and thrives on learning/teaching others about new things, like outsourcing.
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Great story there! Indeed being a VA really transforms lives. I found my very first client here in Onlinejobs.ph and I’ve been with them for more than a year now. I used to have a stressful corporate job, and I couldn’t imagine being back in a cubicle. In so many ways, being a VA is the best profession out there. I hope many other Pinoys will get the chance to enjoy the time and financial freedom this can bring into their lives.
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I’m very happy to join toi. Itake this opportunity to find a job.
Catherine is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing this story. I’ll probably visit this someday since I’m a freelance writer.
Someday soon fine job for how teaching in tagalog