So, when do you start hiring?
Alejandro Meyerhans shared this on a FB group and their blog post on when they decided to start hiring:
Getting more from outsourcing than just savings
If you see outsourcing simply as a band aid solution to a resource problem, you’re not utilizing it to its full potential. When you scale up to the point where you’re outsourcing entire processes instead of just random tasks, that’s when you start making serious money with your outsourced team. And it all starts by approaching outsourcing in a systematic way.
Is it really worth the extra effort?
I know you’re probably asking, isn’t the point of outsourcing is that I don’t have to do all this work? Why do I have to invest in training? Why do I have to invest in onboarding? Why do I have to create a system to scale up my business through outsourcing? Why not hire someone to do it for me? Let me ask you this. If you weren’t outsourcing, if you were just hiring locally, would you be asking the same questions? Would you depend on someone else to create the entire process for you? I doubt it.
About Julia Jasmine M. Sta Romana

Im interested sir. Thank you!
im interested