How to Hire a Virtual Assistant – Step by Step Tutorial Travis Marziani

Travis Marziani is the person behind the Effective Ecommerce YouTube channel, and he has been outsourcing for four years, and needless to say, he knows a thing or two about how to successfully hire a virtual assistant. Travis recently had a trip to the Philippines to meet his virtual assistants.  He hires his virtual assistants from the Philippines using and loves to share his knowledge with other entrepreneurs so they, too, can maximize their hours. In this video, he talks about:
  • why he outsources,
  • why he uses, and
  • his travel to the Philippines.
Travis also shares about the benefits he gets from outsourcing and makes you question why you’re still not doing it. Benefits like:
  • having someone else do “boring” tasks you don’t like doing, 
  • saving yourself from hours of work, and
  • having the time to focus on high-level tasks.
Moreover, he walks you through his step by step process of hiring a virtual assistant, so you don’t have to guess on what you need to do when you’ve decided to do it yourself! Travis lets you in on:
  • the tasks he gives his VA,
  • where he hires VA,
  • how to hire a VA,
  • VA tips and tricks,
  • top VA tools he uses,
  • some VA FAQs,
  • an actual interview with a VA, and
  • he asks his VA questions that you might want to ask, too.
That’s a lot, right? In fact, he dishes out a lot of information in this one video, you’re like getting a one-on-one consulting session with him worth $250! You can also check out this Screw Nine To Five podcast where I share some tips on how to make great job posts that attract great VAs. Go and check out our Education Page for more tips on how to outsource to Filipino VAs the right way. And while you’re here, go ahead and sign up for an employer account and you can start hiring your first VA in minutes! Check out  how to get started on hiring Rockstar Virtual Assistants as well.
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About John Jonas

John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of

Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).

With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.

Find John at and Facebook.

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  1. Jane Tuazon says

    ID Verification took less than 24hrs. support works fast and hear out freelancers with what they need ??????

  2. Enoch K. Brown says

    Actually, there is one more thing I’d like to say. Filipinos are generally a very gracious and communal people. They also tolerate a lot because they’re typically very poor and have have very little security in life. They have also had to endure one conquering maurader after another. So, please don’t nickel and dime these folks in service of “efficiency” because you are already paying them a pittance of what you would pay anyone practically anywhere else on planet Earth, especially the U.S. So, be gracious in your dealings with them. Give them the benefit of the doubt unless the offense is an egregious one. Filipinos are not here to be exploited, and plundered as they have too often been, but to be treated with fairness and honor. For the vast majority of Filipinos, you will be repaid with loyalty and the sweat of their brow.

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