If you’re looking for talented, hard working people to help you with your business, you can’t go wrong when you outsource to the Philippines. Within Onlinejobs.ph alone, we have over a million worker profiles with a wide variety of valuable business skills.
But why should you outsource to the Philippines? How can it help you and your business? We have 17 reasons why.
1. The Philippines has plenty of programmers
Do you need a mobile app for your business? Bespoke software?. If you’re looking for a programmer, you should have little trouble finding a well-qualified candidate in the Philippines.
If you go through our database, you’ll find thousands of programmers experienced in:
- Javascript
- Python
- Swift
- .NET
- Visual Basic
- Java
- C++, Etc, etc, etc.
And if you want a customized website, you’ll have your choice of web developers with tons of experience in HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and many others.
I actually got my start in programming and did it before starting my own business. Over the years I have worked with many programmers, and of all the programmers I’ve seen, the very best one was one of my Filipino workers. He was an excellent programmer, and I was very lucky to have him. Good programmers are definitely out there waiting for you to hire them.
One thing which is difficult to find in the Philippines is iOS app developers. Developing for iOS requires a Mac, and Macs are expensive. You can definitely find iOS developers; it’s just harder than other types of programmers.
Note: All the programming and webmaster work on OnlineJobs.ph and on Replacemyself.com is done by our Filipino workers. All server setup, maintenance, and shopping cart work is done in the Philippines.
2. Filipinos can do design
Some of the best graphic designers in the world are Filipinos. World renowned artists like Dan Matutina and Raxenne Maniquiz have had their art featured by business and magazines for years. And if you love using Canva, a lot of the fun design elements and templates you find there are actually designed by Filipinos! .
And the great thing about Filipino graphic designers, a lot of them have bachelor degrees, and some even have completed graduate studies. You’ll even see people who can do web design or video editing.
When hiring a Filipino designer, make sure you ask for work samples and test them before hiring. If you do those things, you should have no trouble finding the person to fill that need in your business.
Note: All of the design and artwork on OnlineJobs.ph has been done by our Filipino workers.
3. English writing is a common skill
If you need a writer for your business, the Philippines is a great place to look.
English-speaking OFSs can write blog posts, emails and articles. They’re not too skilled or experienced in writing sales copy, but you can train them to do it.
Depending on what your needs are, you might not need someone who speaks or writes in English perfectly. Programmers and web designers, for instance, don’t need to have perfect English. If you want to hire someone to do article marketing, you’ll want someone whose English is as good as yours or mine.
Note: Not everything on the OnlineJobs.ph blog is written by our Filipino workers, but many pieces are.
4. Filipinos are Excellent at SEO
You want your website to rise to the top of search engines? You need to do SEO. You don’t need to do this task yourself, nor should you have to hire local U.S. help. You can get an OFS for that!
You should easily be able to find a Filipino SEO specialist. They understand keyword research really well. And because they are persistent, hard-working and attentive, they are adept at handling these tedious, demanding tasks. Filipinos are also flexible, good with software applications and very willing to learn new skills. These traits all come in handy for the SEO specialist.
Note: Our Filipino workers have done all the SEO for OnlineJobs.ph. They created our SEO plan and they execute on it.
5. Filipinos are natural customer service professionals
It’s not enough to have an amazing product. If you want your customers to remember you, you have to give world class customer service.
If you need to hand off your phone, chat or email-based customer service tasks, delegate that to an Online Filipino Specialist. They are polite, considerate and calm under pressure. They also have a good presence on the phone. With their good English, they can understand people, and people can understand them. You can hire a Filipino to handle inbound or outbound customer service calls.
Note: Not all our customer support is done in the Philippines (it’s one of the things our customers love about us…they still talk with someone who is actually DOING outsourcing) but we have a couple really good customer service people who work for us.
6. Filipinos are social media experts
Social media has become a standard marketing strategy for most businesses. But social media campaigns take a lot of time and work to implement. It’s time you might not have. Unload this responsibility on a Filipino VA and focus on more critical parts of your business.
Filipins love, love, LOVE their social media. In fact, an estimated 74 million Filipinos have a Facebook account. Not only are Filipinos accustomed to using social media in their daily lives, but you’ll find a lot of them already using Facebook as a personal marketing tool.
What can a social media OFS do for you? They can post updates, create promotions, set up group pages and manage social media analytics for you. They can manage your pages and run ads for you. There’s really no limit to what they can do!
Note: 100% of our social media has been built and maintained by our Filipino workers.
7. Filipinos understand WordPress
One of the most popular and effective ways to create a website is through WordPress. There are thousands of resumes on our database right now of Filipinos who are highly skilled in both front- and back-end WordPress development. If you need to set up a website quickly, an OFS can do it.
Note: We have had Filipino workers set up, build, maintain and market dozens of WordPress sites.
8. Most Filipinos have general administrative skills
Administrative work is one of the first things most people delegate to their Filipino worker. The reason for that is because most Filipinos have the skills for it and there’s so much you can delegate right off the bat. Here are just some you can outsource to almost any Filipino VA right away:
9. Database building, updating contacts
10. Calendar management and appointment scheduling
11. Travel and arrangement and planning
12. Transcription of video and audio files
13. Preparing online meeting minutes
14. Online research and data mining
15. Basic bookkeeping
16. Task and schedule management
17. Other areas of expertise
In addition to what we have listed above, there are so many things that an OFS can do for your business. Over the years, we’ve had people also do the following:
- Telemarketing
- Digital publishing
- Accounting/bookkeeping
- Real estate
- Financial management and analysis
- Legal research
- Game development, etc, etc
Any job that can be done online, there’s an OFS who can do that.
What Filipinos struggle with
There’s something that Filipinos don’t do quite as well: project management. I don’t want you to think that finding someone in the Philippines to do these things is impossible. It’s just that finding workers who can fulfill these tasks is just a little harder to come by.
I’ve discussed quite a bit the fact that Filipinos are concerned about doing things right. They worry a lot about messing up on projects and assignments. Because of this, Filipinos generally are reluctant to take the lead on projects and make key decisions. When it comes to handling a host of repetitive tasks, they’re great at it. But taking the lead on something from start to finish is definitely not a strong suit.
Your business is in good hands for Filipino workers
It’s clear to see that Filipinos have expertise and competence to do a lot of things. As a business owner, you have tons of options with your Online Filipino Specialist. And as you teach and train your workers, you’ll see them get so much better and take on more responsibilities. And you don’t have to worry because they’re loyal and they’re really good. When you have an OFS, your business is in good hands.

About John Jonas
John Jonas is a long-time outsourcing expert and the creator of OnlineJobs.ph.
Since 2005, John has taught hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs how to profitably delegate to VAs in the Philippines (and get their lives back in the process).
With help from his own VAs based in the Philippines, John has created an outsourcing empire that allows him to work 17 hours/week and to spend most of his time with his wife and 5 kids.
Find John at JohnJonas.com and Facebook.
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Thank you for this! I work in Philippines as a Virtual Assistant and I’m glad that this article showcased our strengths and areas of improvements. This will help prospective clients decide on whether to hire Virtual Assistants based in the Philippines or not.